How you met (V)

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(Changed how you met, kind of.)
(The original cast didn't destroy your village)


You ran as far away as you could from the door, looking back occasionally to make sure that nobody is following you. The snowfall blocked your vision, but you didn't care; just trying to get to safety.

Only a few months after the murder drones had came to this planet, they had already found your makeshift village and with ease, destroyed it. You couldn't get the screams out of your head as you heard your comrades die behind you as you ran; like a fucking coward.

The snowstorm died down as you continued to run towards the city, the only place you considered maybe remotely safe. You didn't know if your relatives were there, but you could only hope.

The first building you saw was a little skyscraper, which you quickly entered, hoping to find someone here. You tried to catch your breath, having ran for about 10 minutes. You were sure that you were going to be followed as soon as they were done there.

You looked around, trying to figure out where exactly where you were. You blinked as you stared at the dead Worker Drone body in the receptionist chair, then the sign above them:


You rolled your eyes and scoffed as you saw the sign. The same company that ruined your life is the same company who's building your hiding in.

Your eyes hollowed out as you heard a giggle behind you.

You didn't even turn around as you ducked to your left, leaving the charging enemy flying over you, directly colliding with the receptionists desk and having wood splinters flying all over the place.

You heard a pained yelp before annoyed grumbling as the drone raised up from the now broken receptionist desk.

One of the bulbs on the newly discovered Disassembly Drones head was red, which you tilted your head towards.

Your breathing hitched as the drone made eye contact with you. At first, you thought she was going to attack you, but she only stood there with a confused look.

"Weren't you...?" She spoke to herself, now looking a bit more confused, as if she was expecting someone else. You blinked at her as she rubbed her eyes, now looking annoyed.

She looked back up at you, "Did she have to send another disassembly drone?" She asked, to which you were left confused. You looked around before eventually pointing to yourself.

"Yes, you. Who else would I be talking to?" She said with a snarky tone. You looked at her a bit annoyed yourself.

"The boogieman." You sarcastically replied to which she snorted, not expecting that comment. Your eyes returned to normal as you yourself didn't expect that kind of response from her. 

She walked over to you, which you stood your ground, hoping that you wouldn't get attacked. She picked you up by your collar, inspecting you closely. Your breathing hitched a bit as you thought she was about to kill you.

She blinked a few times as her eyes narrowed. "Aren't you a little small for a Drone like us?" She questioned, to which you shrugged.

"I dunno, just came like this." You responded, to which she let go of your collar. She backed up a bit to give you some space. She gave you a small suspicious look, before shrugging herself.

"Whatever. So, what; your new to our squad or something?" She asked, to which you nodded, even though you know what was going to happen if she caught you on your lie. 

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