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I guess it's been awhile since you've last seen me, huh?

...then again, I don't think you WANTED to see me again, but...

What the hell, I'll just get to the point.

Ever since I got trapped in this hell, after I took waffle and whatnot, I have been thinking; what's the point?

It's not like we'll ever get out of here.

It's all pointless, I suppose.


But I digress, you just want to see your friends, right?

Well, I guess they couldn't ever be your REAL friends. They don't actually exist.


The point I'm trying to make is, I realize I messed up. Massively.

I can't help but think that after I got captured, everything went to hell in a hand basket.

I lost three of my best friends, my world as I know it is gone, and now you all probably hate me.

...I don't know what to do with myself anymore.

I don't know what to do anymore...


I don't want any of this anymore. I just want things to go back to normal. I don't want to be free anymore, I want my friends back.

I want my LIFE back!


...I just-


What have I done..?


My apologies. I've suppose I have held you up enough. 

You can go back to your friends.



She doesn't really like her dad in terms of "Oh, yeah. He can keep a secret." Because a few days later, it becomes the head topic of the WDF.

Despite that, she doesn't really go to you to vent. Not until you two are officially in a relationship.

When she's in her vamp form, her tail constantly bites you. Well, it's not so much that it's a bite, just that it's kind of nibbling on you. Uzi constantly has to pull her own tail back just so that you don't accidently get hurt.

She hugs you a lot. Mostly when you two are alone.



Wholesome killer, prior to episode one; has almost killed you on multiple occasions. All of which he always profusely apologizes to you.

He sometimes questions his life choices whenever he's around J. Mostly because she doesn't like him and always treats him like... crap.

He never tries to act hostile to you at all. I mean at all, not unless you gave him a reason to.

He once painted a decently sized rock like a dog. J destroyed it two days later.



I make it clear that she's really flirty with you. But if you're ever flirty back to her, you'll leave her with a stuttering mess.

You've seen her kill once. You were left with a, "Ok, that just happened. Moving on."

She's accidentally stabbed you with her tail once, in which she was internally panicking. Everything was fine in the end. (Though, she was more cautious with her tail afterwards)

She does not trust you around Tessa at all when she arrives to copper 9.



She does not give a damn about you. She more or less sees you like a pet.

Whenever she's not treating you like [crap] she actually does let you do whatever you want. As long as it aligns with her interests.

All of her sentences always ends with "go back to work"

You don't go back to work, you go back to whatever you want to do. Her 'punishment' is literally just burying you in snow.


Word Count: 533

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