This isn't goofy.

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So I'm making a response (though, I really don't have to since it has nothing to do with me) to the recent GLITCH situation. 

I'll put the YT video above, but I'll give you the brass tax anyway:

Just as of yesterday, Celeste, the voice actor for tari in both SMG4 And Meta Runner has recently been fired without her knowledge, leading to obvious problems.

My personal opinion of the whole thing? It's really scummy, because whoever in the higher ups decided that celeste wasn't needed anymore and fired her without her knowledge is really disheartening. 

And at the same time, I'm REALLY hoping it's some misunderstanding.

I get standing with the victim, but let's not turn this into another Kwite situation where the entire internet just gangs up on the youtuber without them giving a response.

And for the people downplaying the situation saying that it really isn't a big deal; stop it. It is a big deal because it's setting a precedent where Voice Actors could start being seen as expendable or easily replaced. Hell, multiple voice actors (to my knowledge, but at the same time this was on twitter so take this with a grain of salt) have already quit due to this situation.

Which is kind of a overreaction when you haven't even gotten a response from glitch themselves???? 

And in other news: The voice Director for glitch did come out with an apology on discord, and people are saying it half assed, saying that GLITCH should make an official response. 

I don't think you know how ranking works? To my knowledge, that was the best thing Jasmine (The voice Director) could do because it's not like they could just go on the official GLITCH twitter account and just make a 5 paragraph essay on why she's sorry.

And a reminder that not everything in a company can constantly have an eyeball on them from the CEO, and people just going out of their way to say that one of the two CEO's of GLITCH and SMG4 just had to have greenlighted the firing, which, no?

I don't think that they knew about it because people WERE commenting on how the new VA sounded a lot like Tari's original voice actor, so if they didn't know the difference, why would they?

And on another note: It's not like they can oversee the entire hiring process, so that's just a weird accusation to make.

This might sound a lot like I'm defending glitch, and to a certain extent I am. But a the same time the CEO's just might be a total piece of shit and I don't know.

Look, take what I say with a grain of salt and do your own research. I literally just heard about this situation no less than a few hours ago, and from watching the videos and comments on said videos I think I have a decent Idea what the response to this whole situation is. Again, take it with a grain of salt.

Anyway, that's about it. See ya.

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