Felt like you needed this. (Short Oneshot)

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You walked into the spire, during the middle of the night, of course. You didn't want to get caught by any of the other disassembly drones, barring V of course.

You looked around, feeling unsettled by the tower full of corpses, but by this point you had already gotten adjusted to it to where you weren't as bothered by it anymore. 

You had heard crunching in the snow behind you, which could mean one of two things:

It's V.


It's a drone that came back early, and you are likely about to die.

Thankfully, it was the former. 

"You're here earlier than usual." The female drone pointed out, to which you shrugged.

"I mean, would you prefer me not to be here early?"
"You say that as if you don't know what'll happen if they catch you here. With me."

You rubbed the back of your head in embarrassment, "Yeah, good point." V only rolled her eyes in response, but you could see a small smirk from her.

You were digging around in your pockets for something, "Anyway, I got something to show you, you sassy woman you." 

V glared at you in response, "Never refer, or say that to me again." Your grin only widened.

"What? You don't like my hilarious sense of humor?" You questioned in a sly voice. V's eyes only narrowed at you in response.

"Starting to really regret letting you live." She sassed, to which you shrugged, still checking your pockets for something, to which you were somehow not finding.

You stuck your tongue out playfully, "Why? Because your sense of humor is dead?" 

"Y/n, I swear to robo-god-" You cut her off with your present that you've been preparing for her.

"Ta-da~!" You sang as you showed off your excellent surprise you've been preparing for her: A brand-new set of glasses from your local optometrist!

V either looked dumbfounded, or just straight up confused, "What?" She muttered. You still had the pair of glasses in your hands, presenting it to her.

"Y/n, why do you think I need glasses?" She questioned in response to your 'quite frankly' excellent surprise you've been preparing for.

V took the glasses from you as you put your hands back into your pockets, "Well, I noticed for the past few months that you've been having a hard time seeing, so I thought you might have needed glasses."

V inspected the glasses for a few moments before returning her gaze to you, "Not sure I should feel insulted or... something." She commented in response, leaving you with a slightly disappointed/sad look. You couldn't tell if she was just confused or just unappreciative. 

You just looked down in response, "Well- I just thought- Uh..." You stammered, not expecting the reaction you received. 

V looked down back at the glasses again, before returning to you. You had a look that even she couldn't deny made her feel bad. But just because she couldn't deny it doesn't mean she's going to admit it.

After a brief pause, she slowly put on the glasses, and almost immediately got results.

"Woah," She exclaimed, not expecting seeing so clearly now, "maybe I really did need this, holy crap..."

You returned your gaze back to her, with her now just looking around as if she had just been surprised with a birthday party.

You perked up at her new response, "So... does that mean you like it?" You questioned. 

V didn't answer immediately, instead just looking around a bit more, getting used to her new clear sight, before returning her look to you and just shrugging.

"It's not bad."

That was all the validation you needed to make you smile like a girl who just got a new dollhouse.

"Geez, relax." V commented as soon as you started beaming at her response. She did like the response you were having though, though, she would never admit to that.

"It's just the first time I've really seen you smile genuinely."

As soon as you said that her visor immediately showed blush lines as she looked away, now feeling embarrassed that she let her guard down like that.

"Well, I seriously hope you do enjoy the glasses, V." You said, to which V looked back at you.



Congratulations, you've been hit with two oneshots in one day.

Honestly, I've been just seeing a lack of real just everyday interactions with the drones and you, so I wanted to make this just to see if you like this kind of content.

And also, because I wanted some fluff and wholesomeness.

I'm not really sure if I got V's personality right, though. I'll leave that up to you to decide.

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