Cyn Catch-Up

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Yeah, I'm going to redo some writing that I did before that I didn't really like. Also if your wondering why I'm not referring to her as "The Virus" it's because multiple people in the show refers to her as Cyn.

You're human btw. Just felt like some funny irony.

--How They Met You--

For some reason, the Elliot's didn't fire you.

You'd think that since they're getting so many robotic butlers, you'd quickly become obsolete, but nope. Turns out that they kill so many because they're so shit at their job, that you and your brother are still employed at the mansion.

Well, not all of them. Some of them like, y'know... Living?

You'll never get how it got so desperate where they needed to keep a human employed.

Either way, it kept you from being homeless and your brother from having a penalty from his record.

"Y/N, can you take this to the kitchen?" Mrs. Elliot asked you, not even glancing at you. You just gave a simple 'yes ma'am' and went to grab the plates. 

You felt something off on your fingers. Retracting your hand, it turned out to be Oil.

Weird. She usually doesn't kill the poor butlers near plates, as weird as that sounds.

You picked the plates back up and walked over to the kitchen, where you saw your brother cooking dinner for the Elliot's.

"If it isn't the one and only!" Your brother said playfully, to which you only smiled a bit and rolled your eyes.

"C'mon Luke, you know I don't like all the attention. But please, go on!" You winked and stuck your tongue out playfully. Luke only chuckled a bit.

You walked over to the sink, and began to clean the plates. A few minutes in, you felt off. 

"...Hey, do you feel like..." You started, but drifted off halfway. You looked over at Luke, who had a look of uncertainty in his eye.

"That we're being watched?" He finished. You nodded and looked around a bit. Nobody else was in the room, which both of you exchanged a confused look.

"L/N's! Get out here!" Mrs. Elliot called from the other room. Both you and Luke let out a sigh of annoyance, and walked over to the main hall, to which you saw the weirdo lady standing there impatiently.

"Y/N, go to the basement and release the defective drone that Tessa is keeping alive for some reason." She said with a low tone of voice.

"And me?" Luke said from beside you, to which she pointed behind her to show a dead drone.

"Dispose of it."

"Why do you get the quick job?" Luke whispered to you, to which you let out a silent chuckle.

"Get to it!" Mrs. Elliot yelled. Both of you quickly snapped to action, catching the key she tossed towards you.

"And drag it out if you have to!" She finished from behind you. You didn't know if that was directed towards you or Luke.

You walked to the basement door, stopping to sniff the flowers before your life got ruined forever. A few of the butler drones looked at you weird.

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