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Aegon groans above her as Aemma feels his seed shoot into her and he rolls off of her onto the bed side her stinking of wine as he pats her stomach with a chuckle as he rolls onto his side and is soon fast asleep snoring.

Aemma hums to herself as she walks down the tunnels of Driftmark wishing to go for a late night flight to take her mind off of her worries in the world.

When she comes across the fighting that is going on between her brothers and cousins who are all fighting against Aemond she is not looking anywhere but her feet as she hums to herself. She is alerted by the screams though and this time they are not in her head but real so she blinks looking up her eyes widening at the sight in front of her.

Aemond is against Jace, Luke, Rhaena and Baela who are screaming he has stolen Vhagar who, so says Rhaena, hers to claim.

As Aemma ran to help them she did not see Luke raise his arm with a knife in his hand and stops shocked as he swings upwards cutting Aemond's face. Aemond reaches out to grab the closest thing to him which happened to be Aemma and pulls her down with him.

As Aemma falls she cuts her face on her brother's knife chin to temple which makes her scream as Jace and Luke scream alarmed when they see their sister fall with Aemond, she lands onto a rock which bashes her temple knocking her out.

Her brothers run to her screaming her name scared and Luke forgetting the knife in his hand ends up stabbing his sister in the torso.

"Luke!" Jace screams going to pull out the knife but is stopped by Ser Criston who pushes him away as he kneels beside his Princess worry written all over his face.

"Get away!" He tells the two Princes as he gathers Aemma's lip body into his arms. "Someone see to the Prince! Get a fucking Maester!"

In the hall of Driftmark people watch as Maesters argue with each other over how to treat the limp Princess as Aemond is stitched up by the Hightower Maester in front of the fire watching nervously as the Maesters argue.

"Help her!" Alicent cries silencing everyone as they turn to look at the Queen who is looking between the Maesters nervously "She is in pain!" That was nothing but the truth, Aemma was whimpering as she was held down to stop her from moving. "I don't care what you do, just help her! Please"

"Baela! Rhaena!" Rhaenys yells as she and Corlys run into the Great Hall "What happened?" Her words start a yelling match between the children as the Maesters decide to move Aemma out of the hall but cannot decide on where to move her so they end up arguing again.

"Silence!" Viserys roars

Rhaenyra rushes into the hall to see everyone shouting and yelling at each other while Daemon watches from the side lines amused as he looks around the room before standing straight when he sees Aemma laying limp in front of the fire with Aegon and Helaena watching the Maesters nervously.. Rhaenyra rushes to her sons without seeing her daughter falling to her knees in front of them "Jace! Luke! What happened?!"

"He hurt Aemma" Jace whispers watching as Rhaenyra swings her head around trying to find her daughter before gasping when she sees her laying unmoving in front of the fire.

"Gods" she whispers before glaring around at the hall "Who did that?!"

Daemon stands watching as the Targaryens seem to implode, highly amused as he glances around at the hall before looking back at Aemma worried when she does not move.

"Silence" yells Viserys after several failed attempts to get them to be quiet. "Aemond I will have the truth of what happened. Now"

"What else is there to hear your son has been maimed and her son is responsible" says Alicent as she glances at Aemma.

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