The Queen and the Dowager

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"Aemma?" Alicent questions into the still air as she knocks on the door of the chambers that were once hers. She frowns at the emptiness of the chambers, glancing around she sees the two ladies ordered to the Queen's side whispering together as they sew in the two seats behind the fire.

With a sigh Alicent gathers her deep green grown into her hands and walks over to the great hearth to see Aemma sitting on the floor before it her hands clutching at the nightgown she had worn the night her son had been killed.

"Aemma?" Alicent questions again as she kneels down beside the Queen who does not glance at her as she continues to mutter to herself.

In that moment Alicent wonders if the rumours of the Queen's Madness have any merit at all.

She tries again calling to the Queen who glances up with red rimmed eyes, bright red, she must of just finished crying a new.

"My Lady Dowager," the Queen says as she turns her head again to look out at the fire that had dimmed so it was only embers that remaind.

"You should-I will call for a servant to make the fire a new," Alicent begins reaching for the cord but is stopped by Aemma's hand that grips her in a wice like grip.

"Do not my Lady Dowager," Aemma says in a cold voice. She no longer called Alicent by any terms of affection, as if they were strangers to each other.

Alicent nods as she sits on the seat beside Aemma who glances at her before shaking her head as she continues to speak to herself in the Targaryen's private language that few understood.

Aemond did, Helaena a small bit but Aegon had lost all interest years ago. It remained alive only through Rhaenyra and her children, plus her grandchild by this point.

"I am going to the Sept," Alicent tries, in the hops she can repair the bond they once had "Would you like to join me?"

"I am going after luncheon," Aemma says pausing from her muttering "I wish to go alone."

Alicent bows her head with a nod as she sighs wondering if Aemma knew that luncheon had already pasted "I was not wrong."

Aemma glances at the Dowager Queen confused as she continues "Aegon was named by your grandsire, 'Aegon the Prince that was promised'"

Aemma frowns wondering when she had heard those words before as she looks back at the fire, the two Royal women look around as a Septa enters the chambers with a bow of her head.

"It is time, my Queen."

Alicent glances at Aemma who nods as she stands lowering the gown into a chest by her side which she locks, placing the key around her neck before she leaves the chambers with her ladies and the Septa.

She was not religious but the Sept was the only place she was not bothered by another being. As she lit the candles another came beside her to do the same.

After a few moments Aemma opens her eyes to look at the new comer who had not taken their eyes off of the Queen since kneeling down beside her.

"Mother?" Aemma asks in disbelief as she sees her mother who is smiling widely with joy in her eyes dressed in the robes of a Septa.

"My darling Sea Dragon," Rhaenyra smiles at her daughter who smiles back with the widest most genuine smile she had produced in months.

"How are you here?"

"I had come to speak with Alicent, but you are... you seem well."

They both blink remembering the pain of loosing a child, a child that they had loved so deeply.

"Did you-?" Rhaenyra shakes her head which takes a weight off of Aemma's shoulders she did not know was there as she smiles in relief.

"I could never," Rhaenyra tells her daughter taking a hand in hers as she lowers her head to kiss it lovingly "He was my first born grandson, your first born child."

Aemma nods "Aegon said... I knew you could not do it."

Rhaenyra smiles as she studies every inch of her daughter's face unsure when the next time she would see her would be.

"The Prince that was promised." Aemma says suddenly as she glances at her mother's startled face.

"What of him?"

"The Dowager Queen said that Aegon was the Prince that was Promised." Aemma studies her mother's shocked face.

"This all started with the Song of Ice and Fire?"

"Mother? What does the Prince that was Promised mean?"

Rhaenyra sighs as she glances at her daughter who is watching her confused "The war, your brother, your son... this all started with a story that your grandfather, my father used to tell me."

"My son died for nothing?" Aemma blinks trying to keep her tears at bay, Rhaenyra glances at her gripping her hand tightly.

"No, he died because of a mistake that Alicent Hightower committed. If that was for nothing then Luke died for nothing as well. They will be honoured."

Aemma glances at her mother and smiles. It takes Rhaenyra several seconds to smile back momentarily stunned by the fact that her own daughter looked so much like her mother.

"When will I see you again?"

"Soon," Rhaenyra smiles "We can make this monthly if not weekly if you wish."

Aemma smiles with a nod as Rhaenyra smiles back "I am here the same time every day, I will wait for an hour if not two after the Sept rings the bell at mid day."

"I will be here as often as I can. Will Aegon not question where you are? Or Alicent?"

Aemma shakes her head "They all think I have gone mad, I can tell them that I wish to speak to my family and they will not question it, but if two guards-my own are not outside then do not enter for someone else that I do not trust is with me."

Rhaenyra nods with a smile as she leans over and kisses her daughter's forehead giving her the love she had been craving.

"I will see you soon then."

"Yes, I could even try and bring the children. I am allowed see them again as Otto has left."

"'See them again'?"

"Yes, the Lord Hand thought I was not steady enough in my mind so he barred me from seeing them but Aegon has given permission for them to be with me."

"I look forward to it," Rhaenyra says with a hesitant smile disturbed by the treatment of her daughter the Queen in the Green Court.

Aemma nods with a smile as she stands and leaves after kissing her mother's cheek with a soft "I love you, mother." into her ear that makes Rhaenyra smile after not hearing the voice of her daughter and most beloved child for so long.

Also can we just talk about two things, number one; two chapters published and number two; Milly Alcock in the new episode

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Also can we just talk about two things, number one; two chapters published and number two; Milly Alcock in the new episode... I was not expecting that.

Also this is the longest chapter I have ever written... wow.

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