The Accident

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Aemma had never felt like this before. She was not even sure what she was feeling. Aemma had never thought her life would be happy and full of love. That dream had gone when the ring had gone onto her finger and she became Aegon's wife and her first child was born mer months later. However, she had thought her family or siblings would be there until her death. She had never thought she would outlive her siblings.


She was the first born so it was natural she would go first. Being a woman also helped her train of thought. But when Aemond came to tell her what had happened her dream and hope vanished.

She did not remember much but she did remember Aemond falling to his knees in front of her and her screaming as she tried to rip out her hair then falling away from Aemond when he tried to stop her screaming "Kinslayer!".

Criston had to come in and tell him to live as he tried to get her to calm down as she continued to scream for Luke as if he would magically appear before her.

"Aemma you must calm down" he told her as she tried to get away from everyone ripping at the necklaces from her neck as she tried to breathe.



"Get out of my chambers! Get him away! Murderer! You just killed my family! You have signed the death warrant for my family!"

"Aemma please-" Aemond tried but Aemma pushed him away from her with tears falling down her face.

"How could you?" she asks with tear filled eyes "I know you hated him but how could you do that?!"

That was two hours ago. Now she sat before the fire in her chambers that were destroyed and ripped apart with feathers and sheets everywhere. Anything that had been on a surface was not on the ground shattered or dented.

Tears still fell down Aemma's face which was puffy and red as she watched the fire as she fiddled with the necklace around her neck. The necklace was a gift from Luke who had designed it into the shape of a star.

"We might be dragons and be told we are only dragons, you are also a sea dragon sister. Do not forget that"

To her surprise Aegon had come to visit her after a Small Council meeting and just sat with her watching the fire, both of them sad. Aegon about being King and now being unable to back down thanks to Aemond's accident and Aemma just mourning the loss of her baby brother. Aegon had left an hour ago, leaving to find a whore who did not look like them so he might be able to escape his new reality for a moment.

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