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Aemma looks around and smiles as her brother by law walks into her chambers with a branch of lemon blossom in his hands which he gives to Aemma who smiles as she sniffs it, sighing in delight when the scent fills her nose watching as Aemond sat down beside her on the couch before the fire.

"Thank you, Aemond" she smiles at Aemond who nods back as the corner of his mouth twitches up.

"Of course... Where did you get the Tyrell from?" He asks as he looks back at the closed door where he had been confused at the sight of another sworn sword for Aemma.

"I am not sure, Aegon provided him for me... The Tyrells did ask and said I could choose a Knight, but..." She gestures to the crib where her new child sleeps "So Aegon choose"

"He is handsome"

"Yes, he is not bad to look at is he?" They chuckle together as Aemma puts the branch of lemon blossom down. Aemond watches her before he lays down putting his head into her lap closing his eyes as she strokes his hair. He often did this finding Aemma could give him a comfort no one else was able to in the Red Keep.

So, for most evenings Aemond would go to Aemma's chambers and sit with her as she stroked his hair as he thought about everything and nothing.


"Yes?" Aemma looks down at Aemond who moves so he can look up at her as he continues to lay in her lap.

Aemma frowns thinking as she looks into the fire continuing to stroke his hair as he watches her. "I think it was because" she says finally "I do not know who I am without him and finding out is scary and I could not do it"

"Hmm" Aemond hums as he turns his head to look back at the fire with a frown "Mother wants me to marry Helaena"

"Do you not wish to?" Aemma questions as she watches Aemond intertwine their hands together, playing with her fingers as he refuses to look at her. "Helaena is one of the kindest people I know"

"It is not that"

"Then what?"

"I do not wish to marry. Ever." Aemond replies with a sigh as he glances up at her. "I have seen what men are like to their wives and I never wish to be them"

"You are not them, Aemond. You are better because you know what they are like" Aemma says as she looks down at him with wide eyes.

"I do not want to risk it though"

"Aemond," Aemma says seriously "You are not Aegon. You are not Viserys. You are Aemond Targaryen the kindest man I have ever known"

"You have not known many" Aemond chuckles, making Aemma roll her eyes as she looks down at him.

"Stop deflecting, you are a good and kind man who will make any wife very happy" Aemma smiles as she looks back at the fire as Aemond kisses the back of his hand as he stands. Aemma watches him confused as he walks over to a table and picks up a book which he shows to her which makes her chuckle. "Am I reading?"

"No, you have just had a babe, I will read tonight" Aemond walks back over to her and lays back down into her lap as he opens the book on the page where they left off the day before.

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