Small Council

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"Aemma?" Aegon questions as he enters the Queen's chambers, frowning when he sees his young wife sitting in front of the fireplace with a piece of sewing on her lap long forgotten as she mutters to herself.

"Aemma?" Aegon tries again as he steps deeper into the chambers as his wife's ladies bow their heads to him with quick glances to each other. 

Aegon keeps his eyes on his wife as he walks towards her after glancing around the chambers.

"The rats," Aemma whispers to herself "Helaena was right, rats haunt the walls of the Red Keep."

Aegon glances at the servants who glance at each other before he looks back at the young Queen with a frown. 

"Come with me," he says that makes Aemma looks at him confused as he holds out his hand to her with an expectant and impatient look on his face.

"And go where?" She asks nervously as she looks back at her ladies who bow their heads to her after shooting her a hopefully, comforting smile.

"The Small Council, I would not have you left alone," Aegon tells her as he takes her hand and helps her stand. 

She stumbles slightly which makes him put a hand to her waist allowing her to become steady on her feet as he moves her hair behind her ear allowing black diamond earrings to shimmer in the light.

"Helaena was with me and my ladies-"

"I trust no one here. You are the Queen, thus you have a price on your head." Aegon interrupts her as his gaze moves from the earrings that were a gift from her mother to his wife's eyes who look up at him with an innocent look that he treasures in more ways that he can put into words.

"Rhaenyra is my mother-" Aemma tries but she is quickly cut off by her husband who sighs in annoyance.

"Loyalties shift. Come."

Alicent looks up in surprise when the doors open and Aegon enters with Aemma behind him her hands holding up the blue dress she has on, the one that Aemma Arryn had worn when she had to burry a family member.

Alicent remembers that day well for some reason. Rhaenyra had clutched at her hand as the flames covered her mother's distant cousin. 

Aemma's dress had glimmered in the sun and the flames making her look as if she was from another world.

"Why is the Queen here?" Alicent asks before she can stop herself as she watches Aemma sit down onto a chair that Aegon has waved forward.

Aegon puts his hand atop his wife's making her move slightly, not that he notices, as she blinks with a glance down at the hand atop her own.

"I wish to have her close." Is the only answer she gets from her son and King as she watches him smile at his wife who smiles back nervously as she looks around the chamber with nervous eyes. "It is not safe within the Keep."

Alicent bows her head before looking around as Ser Criston enters, taking the marble from the tray in the centre of the table and sitting himself beside the Queen who glances at him with a soft smile.

One that he returns in kind which makes Alicent frown as she looks between them confused trying to understand the kindness between them that she had not seen before.

"I do not think the Queen should listen to this," Ser Criston says which makes everyone frown as they look at the new Hand of the King.

"What do you mean?" Alicent asks with a glance to Aemma who is playing with the sleeve of her dark blue gown that looks like water in the light. Showing that she is the Velaryon that her name claims her to be.

"It is her family we are plotting against, I do not think it is wise."

"Are you suggesting my wife, the Queen would betray us?" Aegon asks with a dangerous hint to his words.

"No," Ser Criston bows his head as he turns to the King "But it would upset her to hear of the plan for their demise. She was always close to her mother and brother."

Aegon pauses with a glance to his wife before sighing with a nod as he waves for a soldier to walk forwards. 

Aemma looks up with a frown before glancing at the knight, with a glance to Aegon who nods she stands and walks out of the chamber after putting a hand to Ser Criston's shoulder in thanks.

The Lords of the Small Council frown confused at the touch as does Alicent. 

Aemond however watches his sister by law leave without a glance towards him, after he spent the whole time she was sat there in the chamber, trying to catch her eye. 

Trying to show how sorry he was that her brother was dead.

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