Birthing the Third

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Aemma moans in pain as she walks up and down her chambers, a hand to her back as she walks in her nightdress, her hair stuck to her face with sweat as Alicent and Rhaenys with a group of midwives watch her with worry-filled eyes.

"Granddaughter you should be on the bed" Rhaenys tells Aemma who shakes her head as she starts to pace again with another silent scream. "Please"

Aemma shakes her head as she pauses, resting her head against the pillar of her bed as her child tries to leave her body with another contraction that makes her scream through her teeth.

"The midwives say you have to lay down, Aemma'' Alicent says as she steps forwards slightly with Rhaenys beside her when they hear Aemma's scream of pain.

"I lay down and the pain increases tenfold" Aemma tells them as she starts to pace again before she sits down beside a chair as she groans waving back Rhaenys and Alicent along with the hoard of midwives who all step forwards. "I can do it! Gods!" she yells as another contraction hits her "Aegon will get no more children from me"

The women all chuckle at her words before frowning again as Aemma moans in pain, her head falling back as she winces screaming through her teeth. She puts her hand down and pulls slightly, helping her child come quicker.

Aemma had been in labour since the early hours of the morning and was very eager for her child to be born. She sighs in delight when she feels the shoulders come out and her child quickly follows.

"Aemma?" Alicent asks and Aemma knows what she wants to know without her having to ask.

"A girl" Aemma says with a sigh as she closes her eyes as she holds her baby to her. "She is to be Jaehaera."

Alicent nods as Rhaenys walks to her granddaughter with a towel for the babe who starts to cry "I will tell the King and your husband"

"I doubt you will find my husband in the Red Keep, Mother" Aemma says "He is with the whore of Kingslanding."

"Then Aemond shall find him" Alicent replies as she turns and walks out of the chamber as Rhaenys sits with Aemma watching as she cleans her newborn daughter.

"How are you Granddaughter?"

"That was the easiest birth I have ever had" Aemma replies with a smile as she glances at her Grandmother who smiles back at her.

"No Rhaenys yet?"

"I am naming my children for Targaryens who have past Grandmother, I doubt you wish for a children named for you" Aemma chuckles.

"No, not yet I thank you" Rhaenys says as she takes baby Jaehaera from Aemma who winces and doubles over as she stands. "The afterbirth!" Rhaenys calls to the midwives who flock to the Princess' side.

Outside the chambers Alicent looks at the waiting men and Helaena who are all looking at her expectantly.

"A girl. Jaehaera. Aemma named her and she is alive" she says with a smile. Viserys claps his hands with a laugh as Aemond visibly relaxes, Helaena also claps her hands as she smiles about at everyone as Ser Criston sighs almost doubling over with his relief.

"Joyous news" Viserys laughs "a feast must be held"

"Yes, husband" Alicent nods, watching as Viserys leaves to plan the feast as Helaena trots after him with her knight Ser Loras beside her listening as she chatters away happily. Alicent turns to Aemond who is watching her.

"What is it mother?" he asks worried "Is Aemma okay?"

"Find your brother. Aemma said he is most likely in a pleasure house" Alicent orders quietly as she looks around in case anyone could hear them. "Ser Criston?"

"My Queen?" The Knight stands taller as he looks at the Queen who looks back at him.

"Go with my son and find Aegon" Ser Criston nods as he looks at Aemond who nods back at the Knight.

"Wait here Ser I need to get my cloak"

"My Prince" Criston bows his head as Aemond walks into the Red Keep.

The two men found Aegon exactly where Alicent had said they would find him. Balls deep in a whore and was not too pleased when they dragged him back to the Red Keep.

Aemma looks up as Aegon walks into the chamber where she is feeding Jaehaera who is happy drinking her milk.

"Husband" she greets before looking back down at the babe in her arms with a smile as Aegon walks over to them watching.

"Wife" he says back as he stops at Aemma's bedside. "What is her name?"

"Jaehaera" Aemma whispers to her husband before going still as Aegon puts a hand to her other breast.

"I like them like this" he mutters before pulling his hand back as he looks down at his child. "She has your looks."

Aemma nods, not answering as she stares at the bottom of her bed with distant eyes as Aegon looks down at her. "When can you go back to your duties?"

"I am not sure, I can find out" Aemma whispers.

"I will leave you for now." Aegon mutters as he looks at his wife and third child. "Look after yourself..." he trails off before holding up a cushion to Aemma who frowns as she moves forwards wincing as Aegon puts the cushion behind her back. She leans back against it and moans at the pain free sitting position.

"Thank you" she mutters with a smile and closed eyes. Her words make Aegon smile as he looks down at his clasped hands.

"Of course."

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