Chapter 209: Legendary Puppet!

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Oka’s Original Consciousness recovered at the last moment. Looking at Lin Bei’s huge palm, he was shocked. Just as he was about to say something, he was slapped into a physical puppet.

Immediately after, infinite Soul Origin Power gathered and scattered around him.

“Hey, Ox-Head Brother, help me absorb the surrounding soul energy. I’ll help you fuse it.”

A man’s voice appeared in Oka’s mind. If he was not wrong, it should be the human kid who had stolen everyone’s soul power.

“What is he doing?”

Oka’s face was full of confusion. Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something and his eyes widened in shock. “No way? Is he going to…”

“It’s coming! Be careful not to explode!”

However, before Oka could say anything, the surrounding surging Soul Origin Power instantly gathered and fused into the area where his Original Consciousness was!


The intense pain spread to every corner of his Original Consciousness, causing Oka to be in so much pain that he wanted to die.

At this moment, he was completely sure that this inconspicuous human kid was going to refine a puppet!

Moreover, it was not an ordinary puppet!

It was a Legendary puppet that contained a Legendary soul!

“What kind of method is this? Can he really succeed?”

A trace of doubt arose in Oka’s heart.

But soon, this doubt was dispelled.

There was no other reason. The feeling of souls fusing was too painful!

He only lasted for less than half a minute before his consciousness felt like it was about to dissipate.

One had to know that this was the soul power that had been fused with almost all the Soul Origin Power of the four mid-level Legendary existences. At this moment, he was just an Original Consciousness without any ability.

Facing such a powerful soul attack, he could not take it anymore!

“Sigh, looks like it still won’t work.”

At the side, Lin Bei, who was observing the physical state of the puppet, frowned and sighed.

“I can, but the key is that the Minotaur’s Original Consciousness is not good.”

“I see. I’ll give you a hand.”

Jian Yi smiled when he heard that. Then, he raised his hand, and a Sword Intent drilled into the puppet’s body, turning into a sword energy core that absorbed all the Soul Origin Power. Finally, it turned into a light sword that floated beside Oka’s Original Consciousness.

“This is…”

Oka originally thought that his soul was about to dissipate, but when he saw this light sword, he was dumbfounded.

“A light sword condensed from soul power? This is…”

“Hey, Minotaur, can you hear me? If you don’t want to die, attach your Original Consciousness to the light sword. This way, you can become one with the sword and control the Soul Origin Power.”

Lin Bei’s voice was heard again.

“I’m going to try it!”

Oka was originally a little hesitant, but after thinking about his current situation, he finally chose to accept his fate.

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