Chapter 387: Breakthrough! New Realm!

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In the distance, White Ghost and the others were flying quickly. All of them were extremely excited.

Initially, in their opinion, the biggest competitor for this mission was the Black Devil. However, now that the Black Devil had taken the initiative to withdraw, they were all excited.

However, White Ghost felt uneasy about disappearing.

He had a feeling that since His Lord had sent all of them out, it was not because he was giving all of them an opportunity, but because the difficulty of this mission might not be small.

If he acted rashly, he might attract unnecessary trouble.

Therefore, he had a thought and said to the people around him, “Um… I’ve decided to look for the captain and act with him. As for the Door of Darkness, I’ll leave it to you.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the others were stunned for a moment before they were all excited.

In their team, the strongest was the Black Ghost, and the second strongest was the White Ghost. Although he was not as terrifying as the Black Ghost, he also had the strength of the 49th level of Heaven Splitting.

Compared to the White Ghost, the others were slightly weaker.

This time, their Lord had clearly said that their main mission was to deal with the abnormal movements of the Gate of Fear. As for killing the traitor, it was just secondary.

Therefore, the fewer people who participated in the Gate of Fear, the greater their chances!

With someone withdrawing, this was simply great news for the others!

“Haha, White Ghost, are you serious?”

When Green Ghost heard this, his eyes lit up and he laughed out loud. “You’ve thought it through. With Captain’s strength, it’s normal for him not to care about the reward this time. However, you… Although you’re a little stronger than me, you’re still far from the Saint Realm. We’ve worked together for many years. I still have to advise you to see the situation clearly.”

As he spoke, Green Ghost signaled the others with his eyes and left quickly, not giving White Ghost a chance to regret.

Red Ghost frowned and turned around to look at White Ghost. He stopped and did not leave.

This way, only Purple Ghost, Green Ghost, and Gray Ghost were left in the direction of the Gate of Fear.

The three of them were also happy to see Red Ghost choose to stay. After all, if one less person shared the benefits, they would have a higher chance of advancing to the Saint realm. Why not?

“Hehe, you two, why don’t you stay too? After all, this trip is dangerous.”

After flying for a while, Green Ghost asked with a smile.

Purple Ghost sneered. “I’m not those fools. I want benefits!”

The Grey Ghost was silent for a long time before saying, “Me too.”

Seeing this, the Green Ghost could not help but feel bored. He said indifferently, “Alright, it’s fine for the three of us to split the benefits. Let’s hurry up, lest they regret it and it won’t be easy.”


The other two nodded when they heard that. The three of them sped up and ran in the direction of the Azure Dragon Domain.

However, what happened between them fell into the eyes of the Black Devil.

He looked at the members of the Ghost Face Team who had split into two waves below. After frowning and thinking for a while, he smiled and appeared in front of White Ghost and Red Ghost.

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