Chapter 230: Human Emperor's Inheritance! Breakthrough to the Extraordinary Real

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Above King Qin’s head, the light of the Human King Seal shone brightly. A barrier with him as the center descended with a bang and protected him in the center.

Outside the cover of the sword formation, sword energy descended one after another, making a series of clanking sounds, but they could not break through the barrier’s defense.

“Haha, this Human King Seal is my treasure. Even if a True God descends, he can’t break through it!”

King Qin grinned. He finally heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that Lin Bei’s Power of Devouring and the Legendary Sword Formation could not break through his barrier.

Damn, this kid was really scary.

He did not expect him to have such a backup plan. Fortunately, This King was not to be trifled with. Otherwise, he would have embarrassed himself this time!

Lin Bei frowned slightly when he saw the unscathed King Qin in the middle of the barrier.

This defensive ability was a little scary.

Even the attack of the Level-7 Power of Suppression could not break through.

“It’s a pity that I haven’t synchronized the talent of the Key of Stars. Otherwise, such a barrier could be broken with a raise of my hand.”

Lin Bei thought of the new talent that the Star Swordsman had obtained after advancing to Level SS and felt a little helpless.


Key of Stars (SS-rank talent):

It can condense the power of stars to create a secret key that can break through all barriers and restrictions.


Unfortunately, he had limited time previously and did not have time to synchronize this talent. He did not expect to fall into a battle of attrition now.

“The barrier of this Human King Seal is like a turtle shell. Even the attacks in my hands don’t seem to be able to break it.”

Lin Bei frowned and looked at King Qin, who was safe and sound in the barrier and attacking indifferently. He was thinking of a countermeasure.

“There’s nothing else we can do. Let’s just fight the war of attrition.”

Lin Bei thought about it and realized that there was no good solution. He could only compete in energy and fight a battle of attrition.

Whoever could last until the end would be the winner.

However, Lin Bei was not afraid of consumption. He had a lot of recovery abilities. In addition, he still had a lot of recovery equipment and items on him. In the face of such a situation, he naturally did not panic.

“It’s a pity that the Unlimited Buff talent hasn’t been synchronized yet. Otherwise, it would be even easier.”

Lin Bei thought to himself.

If he wanted to synchronize the Unlimited Buff talent, even with the Profound Heaven Spirit Gathering Array, it would take a day. Now, he could only rely on his ability and equipment to persist.

He could only say, “Good luck.”

Although the other party was not weak, he had stayed in the 19th trial space for many years after all. Even if he had good things on him, he had probably exhausted most of them. He definitely could not compare to Lin Bei.

Therefore, if this continued, King Qin would definitely lose.

As expected, as Lin Bei had expected, after two hours of consumption, King Qin panicked.

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