Chapter 347: I Can't Bear to Kill Him

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“What’s your name?”

Lin Bei frowned and thought carefully.

After thinking for a long time, he could not decide on the name of the mysterious cloak.

He was a lousy naming expert himself. It was fine for him to fight. He was very good at it, but naming… it was really difficult for him.

“I can’t just call him the Mysterious Cloak, right? I feel that it’s inferior to the Golden Cloak.”

Lin Bei was troubled. He looked at the ever-changing cloak in front of him and suddenly had an idea. “Why don’t we call it the Thousand Transformations Cloak or the Myriad Transformations Cloak?”

With a crash, the mysterious cloak, which had been constantly changing its form, seemed to have sensed Lin Bei’s thoughts. It suddenly turned into a big metal lump and fell to the ground with a clang, as if it was silently protesting: I don’t want this name!

“You don’t like that name?”

With a splash, the iron block turned into a text.

Don’t like it.

“Damn, we can communicate like this?”

Seeing this, Lin Bei’s eyes widened.

This function was very powerful.

“Then tell me, what name do you want? Name yourself.”

Seeing that the mysterious cloak could change words, Lin Bei did not use his brain and directly said, handing this difficult problem to the cloak.

Shadow of Harmony.

The mysterious cloak changed again, and new words appeared.

Lin Bei stared at the name and was silent for a moment before nodding in realization. He muttered, “Shadow of Harmony? Could it be that this mysterious cloak can harmonize the power of all things? Interesting, the Shadow of Harmony… is not bad. It’s much stronger than the Thousand Transformations Cloak I thought.”

“Alright, you’ll be the Shadow of Harmony Cloak in the future.”

Lin Bei nodded and said.

Only Shadow of Harmony! Don’t add cloak! Don’t add cloak! Don’t add cloak!

This time, the mysterious cloak, no, the Shadow of Harmony, seemed to be a little angry. Its face changed into a long string of words as it protested to Lin Bei.

Seeing this, Lin Bei was helpless and could only nod. “Alright, no cloak, you’ll be Shadow of Harmony. Is this alright?”

That’s more like it.

The Shadow of Harmony replied.

Seeing that the deal was settled, Lin Bei heaved a sigh of relief and said with a smile, “Your naming ability is much better than mine. How about this? In the future, when we seize other divine weapons and items, you can name those whose names I don’t know.”


“If you don’t agree, I’ll call you the Ever-changing Cape from now on!”

Lin Bei narrowed his eyes and threatened.


Soon, the Shadow of Harmony compromised. It really did not want to use such an old-fashioned name.

“Okay, it’s settled then! By the way, we’ll be teammates who fight side by side in the future. It’s a little distant to keep calling you by your full name. How about this? Let’s be closer. In the future, you can call me Father Bei and I’ll call you Little Shadow.”

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