Chapter 318: Initial Strengthening!

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It would not be bad if he could have another capable assistant in the future.

Now, he already had Little Black, Little White, and Little Blue. In the future, he might be lucky and have Little Red and Little Green. One day in the future, he would be able to form a personal guard group. It would definitely be different and exciting.

Yes, this idea was not bad.

Look at the Heavenly Emperor. He has a lot of Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals under him. He even has guards like the 28 Constellations who have reached the Heaven Splitting Realm. Even if Lin Bei was weak, he would have to get a group of Original Realm personal guards no matter what.

Otherwise, it would be too lonely to be alone.

It was too lonely to be invincible.

If he was strong, someone had to keep witnessing it.

‘Yes, let’s do that.’

He would call Xiao Lan over later and modify her.

Not to mention anything else, he had a mountain of divine weapons on him. He could easily increase Little Blue’s body to the strength of Divine Level. As for strength, he had comprehended more than a thousand Order Laws and activated the Fire of Inheritance to undergo Dao Impartment. He could also quickly increase Little Blue’s strength. This way, with the combination of internal and external forces, he should be able to quickly raise Little Blue to the peak of the Divine level.

As for the Saint Realm… it might be a little troublesome, but as long as he paid attention, this was not a problem at all.

The simplest thing was for her to absorb the power source of some Saint Realm powerhouses. Just like Little Black before, he could still control it.

Lin Bei thought of the Fear Incarnation that was still sealed in the Azure Alliance and the corners of his mouth curled up. He had an idea.

‘Tomorrow, right?’

‘You’re dead.’

In the lounge, Lin Bei sat cross-legged and summoned his clones. The power of space surrounded him and he kept making teleportation scrolls. Soon, his side was filled with teleportation scrolls.

These spatial teleportation scrolls were all ordinary cosmic teleportation scrolls, about 200 of them.

At the door, Xiao Lan walked in with a plate. The plate was filled with all kinds of delicacies from the Azure Alliance. They looked varied and fragrant.

Lin Bei asked Little Blue to put the food on the table. After some thought, he took out a divine artifact and used the power of laws to break it. Then, he controlled his power to compress the divinity in the divine artifact and finally condensed it into two crystals.

This was the Divinity Gemstone, condensed from the compressed power of his divine artifact.

Without thinking too much, he threw the two Divinity Gemstones to Little Blue and said, “These are Divinity Gemstones. Take them and use them to replace the energy batteries on your body. They will be very helpful to your improvement.”

Little Blue stared at the two Divinity Gemstones in her hand and was overjoyed. She hurriedly said, “Thank you, Master!”

“You’re welcome. If you follow me, I can’t let you fall behind.”

As he spoke, he directly summoned Little Black and Little White and introduced, “The two of them are Little Black and Little White. They’re also my followers. In the future, you’ll be the same. The two of them have the strength of the Saint Realm. You’re only an Extraordinary, so you’re still too weak. Therefore, you have to increase your strength as soon as possible.”

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