Chapter 397: Defend! Sudden Change!

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Lin Bei stared at the battlefield below.

With just a glance, Lin Bei could tell which side they belonged to.

On the Heavenly Mysterious Realm’s side, everyone emitted a faint aura of life. This aura was very familiar and a little intimate.

On the other side, the aura of life on their bodies was inexplicably hateful.

These people all had green faces and fangs. They were 30 feet tall and held wolf fang clubs in their hands. All of them looked ferocious.

With a swing of the clubs, the void trembled. The Order Law of Strength shattered and swept across.

“Strength is your forte.”

Lin Bei frowned slightly, but soon, he discovered that among this group of people, there was also a type of short blue figures. These figures often stood on the shoulders of green-faced and sharp-fanged people. They held a skeleton staff and kept waving it. Undead bone beasts were summoned by them and rushed towards the Heavenly Mysterious Realm’s army.

These bone beasts were like a tidal wave, endless.

Once shattered, they would form an even stronger bone beast and charge at the crowd.

“These are people from two different races.”

Soon, Lin Bei made a judgment.

Those tall green giants with green faces and fangs were clearly good at the Dao of Strength. With a raise of their hands, they could shatter the Void Order Laws and were extremely powerful in one-on-one combat.

As for those short blue figures, they were good at the Undead Dao. Although the Bone Beasts they summoned were ordinary, there were abnormally many of them. Moreover, once they shattered, they would form new Bone Beasts from their bones and continue to charge at the crowd. They were very difficult to deal with.

There were more than a hundred such groups.

The Heavenly Mysterious Realm had mobilized about 500 people. However, it was still difficult to resist the enemy’s attack.

If this continued, even if they defended the line, they would definitely suffer heavy losses.

“We must defend! Behind us are the injured soldiers. Once they break through, the consequences will be unimaginable!”

On the Heavenly Mysterious Realm’s side, a golden-haired old man in golden armor and holding a huge golden sword said in a low voice. The power of light on his body spread out majestically and covered everyone’s bodies, causing everyone who had been attacked to be energized. Most of their injuries recovered and they roared angrily as they launched a counterattack.

In the distance, Lin Bei raised his eyebrows slightly. The aura on this person… was a little familiar.

Oh yes, he remembered.

He had seen a portrait of this golden-haired old man from the memories of Dai Wanqing of the Light Domain. He… seemed to be an old Saint Emperor from the ancient times of the Light Domain. He was more than ten generations older than the current Saint Emperor of the Light Domain.

In the lower realm, the Light Domain was wreaking havoc everywhere. However, Lin Bei did not expect their old Saint Emperor to be trapped in the battlefield and fighting everywhere. Such a contrast stunned Lin Bei for a moment.

In just a moment, the foreign enemies clearly discovered the role of the golden-haired old man. They immediately roared angrily and split into more than ten groups of soldiers to rush towards him!

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