Chapter 222: Cautious!

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When Lin Bei heard this, he smiled.

With Jian Yi’s words, it was safe.

He did not expect that after breaking through one rank, Jian Yi’s strength would increase so greatly. It was simply unimaginable.

But this way, Lin Bei was completely relieved.

“With Jian Yi and the golden balls given by Shopkeeper Jin, so what if the enemy’s a demigod?”

Lin Bei thought to himself.

“The others have already arrived at the Four Regions and are waiting for orders at any time. From now on, it’s up to us!”

Lin Bei glanced at Jian Yi and asked with a smile, “Are you confident?”

“Nonsense, of course!”

Jian Yi rolled his eyes and said calmly.

The two of them were very fast as they rushed towards the Central Royal City.

Without the others, the two of them became even faster. In less than half a day, they successfully arrived at the Central Royal City.

“It’s about time. It’s time for the Four Regions… to distract the attention of this side.”

Jian Yi, who was lurking underground, sensed the powerful aura emanating from the Central Royal City. He smiled and gave orders to the four teams in the depths of the Four Regions through the Shadow of Stars clones.

Then, intense battles immediately erupted in the Four Regions!

There were 300 people in the Team Abyss Conquerers. Including Oligei’s team and the others, there were nearly 320 people in total. Split up into four groups, the number of Legends each group had reached almost 80!

Although there were Legendary experts in the Four Regions, the strongest was only high-level Legendary. Furthermore, there was only one of them. The rest were mostly low-level Legendary experts. As for mid-level Legendary experts, there were less than ten of them.

Therefore, in the face of the attack of the Team Abyss Conquerers, they had no ability to resist!

“Quick! Send a message to the Central Royal City! There’s an enemy attack! They… are attacking the Four Regions!”

In the Four Regions, the troops left behind were extremely anxious. The other party had carried out a decapitation operation the moment they arrived, and they appeared and disappeared unpredictably. In just a few minutes, the high-level and middle-level Legendary experts left behind had all died!

“Not good! They’re going to the treasure vault! Damn it! We miscalculated! They have no intention of attacking the Central Royal City at all! From the beginning… their target has been our Four Regions!”

In the Four Regions, the remaining forces guarding them were rapidly losing. They were desperately transmitting requests for help to the Central Royal City.

Oligei laughed loudly and killed a low-level Legendary guard who was making a report.

In the Abyss, the conditions of the three King Domains were different.

This time, the main target of the Bright Realm was actually only the First King Domain. As for the Second King Domain, the situation was even worse than the First King Domain. At this moment, they did not have the strength to do this at all. As for the Third King Domain, it was the only one in the three King Domains that had a complete Abyss Seed. These people sneered at the actions of the First King Domain. Oligei had even gone to the Third King Domain to hire soldiers, but the final gains… were very little!

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