Chapter 325: Intense Battle!

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Blood-eye grinned, his eyes filled with greed.

Outside the cage, the strength of the three people made him excited.

Since that was the case, there was no need to wait anymore!

He would directly break the seal and kill them before absorbing their origin power. This way, it would only be a matter of time before he stepped into the Original Realm!

At the thought of this, the blood-eyed creature roared excitedly. All its eyes erupted with a dazzling blood light.

At the same time, a spatial fluctuation trembled violently. In just a few seconds, it actually shattered the huge black cage into countless fragments. Finally, it fell into the void and was shattered by the countless spatial turbulence and turned into dust.

Above the cage, the nine golden dragon shadows screamed repeatedly. In the end, their bodies were pierced by the blood light that shot out of the blood eye and they fell.

The Blood Eye opened its bloody mouth and threw the fallen golden dragon shadows into its mouth. He chewed with a look of enjoyment.

Streaks of golden energy spread out, but they were quickly absorbed by the Blood Eye.

At the same time, as he absorbed more and more power, the ninth half-opened blood-colored eye on his body actually opened a little. A wisp of spirituality appeared in the depths of his eyes.

“Not good! Let’s attack together! If we delay any longer, when he completely opens his ninth eye, he will completely step into the Original Realm! At that time, even if we join forces, we might not be his match!”

Seeing that the blood-eyed aura from the shattered cage in the distance was getting stronger and stronger, Mengli, who was originally accumulating strength, suddenly changed her expression. She shouted and did not hesitate anymore. Her hands were raised at the sky, and the seven suns and moons flickering with seven-colored light behind her circled above her head, fusing into a huge heaven-shaking sword that slashed down rapidly!

On the other side, Ji Xuanyuan also shouted when he heard that. The Vitality Power that pierced through the world suddenly compressed and poured into the blood-colored longbow and golden sword in his hand!

He drew his bow and shot an arrow, his energy penetrating the void!


On the left and right, two majestic forces arrived with a bang and landed on the Blood Eye.

Seven-colored divine light pierced through the world. The huge sword descended and tore the void apart. A mark appeared in the world. The entire space seemed to have been cut into two by the huge sword and began to become chaotic.

On the other side, the golden sword wrapped in boundless Vitality Power tore through the void and pierced through the world. The spatial turbulence was extremely chaotic and wreaked havoc, completely shattering the surrounding space!

The two forces pressed forward in an incomparably terrifying manner!

“Hahaha! Good timing!”

The blood-eyed creature laughed wildly. The blood light in his nine eyes soared into the sky as he shouted, “Shake!”

Suddenly, a divine rune with the word ‘Shake’ shone in the world and flickered with a blood-colored light. It actually welcomed the two terrifying attacks!


Space shook violently.

More than half of the nine blood eyes seeped out blood and slowly flowed down.

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