Chapter 367: Chaos!

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In the Light Domain, all the red-robed Cardinals and Yellow-Robed Guardians took action.

They were very anxious and wished they could teleport to the Azure Dragon Domain immediately and settle everything before returning to receive the baptism of the Holy Spring.

On the other side, Azure Dragon City was also in chaos.

In the inner city, smoke was already rising everywhere and black fog was spreading.

Countless screams sounded. Zombies covered in black fog wandered around the city, hunting down everyone alive.

As for those who were hunted, they were enveloped by the black aura and quickly turned into walking corpses. They got up again and joined the hunting team.

As for the outer city, due to the barrier, it was temporarily peaceful.

“Big Sister, is what you said true? Is that big brother really so powerful?”

In a basement, a group of children in plain clothes looked up at a girl with starlight in their eyes.

The girl smiled and nodded. “Of course, Brother Lin Bei is very powerful! I saw it with my own eyes. With a wave of his hand, he defeated all the guards who were usually high and mighty! Not only that, even the leader of the city defense army was not his match!”

“Wow! So powerful! If only I could be as powerful!”

“That’s right! I want to become such a powerful existence too! This way, we don’t have to stay here all day and be treated coldly.”

“But we’re very poor. Even if we want to become stronger, there’s nothing we can do.”

The group of children chattered, their faces filled with grievance.

Seeing this, the girl coughed lightly and said, “Ahem, that, don’t worry, everyone! We have money now! Next, I’ll buy a batch of connectivity equipment for everyone. At that time, we can all enter the virtual universe to train and become stronger! Sooner or later, we can synchronize with the virtual world and obtain powerful strength!”

“Big Sister! Is what you said true? That’s great!”

The group of children immediately became excited.

“Of course it’s true! Speaking of which, the funds to buy these equipment were given to me by Brother Lin Bei and his companions!”

The girl said with a smile.

“Wow! Long live Brother Lin Bei! Big Sister, let’s move quickly!”

“That’s right, that’s right! I want to become stronger! Sooner or later, I want to become as powerful as Brother Lin Bei! Then, I’ll join him and help him!”

“Me too!”

A group of children shouted excitedly.

“Hehe, you guys must remember what you just said!”

When the girl heard this, she smiled and took out a storage ring. With a wave of her hand, a large number of virtual helmets appeared in each child’s hand. “I’ve prepared these long ago! Alright, everyone, hurry up and create your characters!”


The group of children nodded in unison and began to operate.

The girl looked at the scene in front of her with tears in her eyes. She looked up at the ceiling of the basement and clenched her fists. She muttered in her heart, “Don’t worry, I won’t disappoint you!”


In the inner city, screams kept coming.

On the rooftop of the hotel, in the barrier of the Shadow of Harmony, Lin Bei was still cultivating with his eyes closed, not sensing anything unusual outside.

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