Chapter 334: Race Against Time!

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Time passed quickly. Lin Bei quickly subdued the Rose Flower King and the Limitless Sword Spirit and activated the Great Hidden Treasures they were guarding. He obtained two Soul Saint Crystals and some other items.

Of the two Soul Saint Crystals, one was at the Saint Rank (Lv.5) and the other was at the Saint Rank (Lv.7). If nothing went wrong, it was related to the realm of the Rose Flower King and the Limitless Sword Spirit guarding the great treasures.

Five-star Saint Realm corresponded to Saint Rank (Lv.5), and seven-star Saint Realm corresponded to Saint Rank (Lv.7). However, other than two Soul Saint Crystals, the two treasure chests also produced 10 Holy Spirit Crystals. Coupled with the three he had gained previously, he obtained a total of 13 Holy Spirit Crystals.

Lin Bei did not have any need for the Holy Spirit Crystal, so he threw them into his pocket space for the members of the personal guards to use for cultivation.

What was worth mentioning was that because the Limitless Sword Spirit’s aura that erupted from its main body was gray, Lin Bei changed its name to Little Gray.

As for the Rose Flower King, its main body was a huge purple rose, so it was given the name “Little Purple” by Lin Bei.

At this point, his personal guards consisted of Little White, Little Black, Little Blue, Little Green, Little Gold, Little Purple, and Little Gray. There were a total of seven people.

“Not bad. There are already seven people.”

Lin Bei was in a good mood. The items obtained from these big secret treasures were not bad. Along the way, he had obtained about ten saint artifacts. He did not take them himself but distributed them all to the members of the personal guards.

As for the other items, Lin Bei didn’t care even more. He casually threw them into his storage space and didn’t ask anymore.

Those things might be treasures in the eyes of others, but in his eyes, they were all trash.

Of course, he might be able to use them to exchange for supplies with others one day, but he… still had no use for it.

“There’s still an hour. Little Gray and Little Purple just mentioned a few more locations of the mystic realms. I can make a trip there. I might be able to gain something.”

Lin Bei looked at the gray world in front of him. This was the base of Limitless Sword Spirit, which was Little Gray. Sword Energy filled the air, but it was too monotonous and lifeless. He didn’t like it very much.

Before leaving, he waved his hand and the spatial power cut through. This mystic realm space was completely shattered and turned into nothingness.

Then, countless life force descended, and a forest instantly appeared.

Perhaps, thousands of years later, this place might become another mystic realm.

Of course, this had nothing to do with Lin Bei.

As he hurried along, Lin Bei used the Soul Saint Crystal to continue strengthening the Mutated Blood to the Saint Rank (Lv.7). This way, he could mass produce Seven Star Saint Realm creatures.

At this moment, he still had a Saint Rank (Lv.5) Soul Saint Crystal in his hand.

Due to the low level of this Soul Saint Crystal, it could no longer continue to strengthen the Mutated Blood, so it could only be saved to strengthen other talents or skills.

“What should I strengthen?”

Lin Bei thought for a while and finally locked his target on the Fire of Inheritance.

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