Chapter 337: Harvest

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Time passed quickly.

In the pocket space, the hundreds of tons of old items were quickly refined by Lin Bei’s Shadow of Stars clone.

“This Chaos Breathing Technique is indeed powerful!”

Lin Bei sighed.

It was all thanks to the Breathing Technique that Lin Bei could refine these old items faster.

Moreover, to Lin Bei’s surprise, the Original Crystals and Original Dust refined this time were much more than before. According to the previous refinement results, there were more than three times more than before.

These million ancient items had actually refined 200 Original Crystals and 900 Original Dust.

“Not bad! Not bad at all!”

Lin Bei grinned in satisfaction as he looked at the results of the refinement.

As expected of Ji Xuanyuan and Mengli. They had been in charge of the Azure Alliance for many years and knew the stuff.

The Original Energy contained in these ancient items that they had plundered was much richer than the ancient items that could be exchanged from the exchange book.

Then, Lin Bei did not think too much about it.

He directly took out 900 Original Dust and waved his hand, shattering them all.

He began to absorb the Original Power inside.

The Galaxy Meridian in Lin Bei’s body felt the source of Original Power and became excited again. Lin Bei’s divine consciousness moved slightly and gathered all the source of Original Power in his spine.

In a few breaths, the nine Galaxy Meridians on Lin Bei’s spine had absorbed all the source of Original Power.

The originally dim Galaxy Meridian gradually lit up as it continuously absorbed the source of Original Power.

900 Original Dust lit up all nine Galaxy Meridians on Lin Bei’s spine.

“This feeling! It’s extraordinarily good!”

Lin Bei felt the changes brought to his body by the lit Galaxy Meridian and was overjoyed.

“Let’s test the power of this Galaxy Meridian.”

Lin Bei found a flat and wide place, sat down, and activated his divine sense.

He fused the Vitality Power in his body into the Galaxy Meridian that had just been lit up. The Galaxy Meridian was like a custom-made container that perfectly fused the Vitality Power.

After the fusion, his Vitality Power increased greatly!

“This… What a magnificent Vitality Power!” Lin Bei was a little surprised by the change in Vitality Power.

He felt that the Vitality Power in his body seemed to be slightly stronger than Ji Xuanyuan’s Vitality Power.

Then, Lin Bei released the Motionless Vitality Breathing Technique. His defense directly increased by a hundred times.

Such defense, coupled with the power of the Heavenly Defense, could increase Lin Bei’s defense by another realm. Now, he was not afraid of blocking the attack of a third-grade Original Realm expert!

In addition, the power of the Moving Vitality Breathing Technique had also increased by about a hundred times.

Coupled with the Order Law power of Lin Bei’s attack attribute and the enhancement of his Vitality Power, he was confident that he could defeat a third-grade Original Realm cultivator.

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