Chapter 247: Peak of Perfection!

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Lin Bei gritted his teeth and endured. The entire fusion process was very painful.

Time passed minute by minute. Finally, the violent spatial vibrations in the pocket space gradually stopped, and Lin Bei’s aura stabilized.

“It worked.”

Lin Bei’s face was pale and he was sweating profusely. He sat on the ground and panted heavily.

Although the perfect fusion of reality and virtual world was painful, the benefits were very obvious. The current him was much stronger than before.

Previously, his basic Combat Power was 320 million points, so his current Combat Power should have exceeded 400 million points.

Right now, even if he was unarmed and did not use any skills, he was still able to beat up Heavenly Gods.

The Divine Spirit Realm was divided into five realms: Spirit God, True God, Heavenly God, Ultimate God, and Divine Lord.

The Spirit God was equivalent to the Half-God realm he had encountered in the Abyss. The True God realm was equivalent to Mo Tong’s realm in the Abyss. They were real deities.

As for Heavenly Gods, they were experts among True Gods. According to the division of combat strength, the Spirit God Realm should have 100 million combat strength, while the True God Realm should have more than 200 million combat strength. As for Heavenly Gods, they should have more than 300 million combat strength.

As for the combat strength of higher Ultimate Gods and Divine Lords, Lin Bei did not have a clear concept.

He could only say that his current combat strength of 400 million should not be at the Ultimate God Realm.

Of course, this was talking about basic combat strength. If he unleashed his full strength, it was hard to say.

“Are you okay?”

Mengli went forward, a little worried about Lin Bei’s condition.

After all, in her understanding, he was the only one who could fuse reality and virtual world.

“I feel fine. Don’t worry.”

Lin Bei smiled slightly, indicating for Mengli not to worry. Then, he looked around his pocket space. The trees here were even more lush than before. It seemed that after fusing with the Shennong Cauldron, the Dao Law power in his pocket space was more complete.

“Alright, I still have some things to deal with next. You and Cai Qi can watch from the side.”

Lin Bei did not forget that his main purpose for coming here was to use the Fire of Inheritance to impart Dao to the million Legendary soldiers. From there, he would obtain the Dao Law’s feedback and increase his Dao Law realm.

“Everyone, gather here!”

Lin Bei shouted at the top of his lungs.

Soon, densely packed figures gathered, ready to set off.

“Hey, what are you planning to do now?”

King Qin rushed over and asked anxiously.

He did not know how Lin Bei did it previously. The million soldiers who had originally followed him had all stepped into the Legendary stage. Now that Lin Bei was about to do something big, he immediately became vigilant and wanted to take a share.

King Qin could not speak of the bitterness in his heart.

His current strength was not enough.

Although he was still much stronger than these soldiers, compared to the ten fierce generals he had accepted, he was not strong enough.

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