Chapter 365: That's It?

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Lin Bei was excited. This was the first time he had faced a high-grade Original Realm expert head-on. It was impossible for him not to be nervous.

In a flash, he was pulled into a dimensional space.

In the next moment, a middle-aged man in a red robe appeared in front of him with an excited expression.

The man held a dagger that flickered with golden light tightly in his hand and stabbed at his chest.

“So fast!”

Lin Bei let out a low cry, but he did not panic. He had already accumulated his strength in advance. Now, he only needed to punch and release it.

Thinking of this, he did not dare to drag it out and punched with all his might.

On his fist, the power of heavenly lightning flickered, containing a destructive aura.

This time, he used the Heavenly Lightning Breathing Technique and the power of the Heavenly Lightning. Moreover, the 108 Galaxy Meridians in his body erupted with all their might and poured into his fist.

In the fist shadow, a Dao rune with the word “shock” flashed and disappeared.

It could be said that this punch, other than not fusing with the power of other ancient martial arts, was already the full-strength attack that Lin Bei could unleash with his own strength.

On the other side, Ling Yun smirked when he saw Lin Bei’s fist meet his golden dagger.

“His aura looks quite strong. Unfortunately, he’s only at the first-grade Original Realm. He can’t cause any trouble at all.”

Ling Yun sneered in his heart. His golden dagger was a high-grade Original Item that had been baptized by the Holy Light Saint Emperor.

The Holy Light Saint Energy was the power of ancient martial arts that the Holy Light Saint Emperor had grasped. Therefore, he did not overestimate himself in this sneak attack. Instead, he erupted with his full strength from the start, determined to deliver a fatal blow.

Although the other party was only at the first-grade Original Realm, he was still a peerless genius who had grasped the power of ancient martial arts and the Ancient Martial Breathing Technique. Therefore, Ling Yun used his full strength the moment he attacked. With his strength at the High-grade Original Realm and the powerful weapon that had been enhanced by the holy power of light, coupled with his sneak attack, he was confident!

Hmph, kid, die!

Ling Yun laughed maniacally in his heart as he stabbed the dagger in his hand towards Lin Bei’s chest.

His eyes were filled with smiles, as if he could already see the scene of the other party being robbed of his ancient martial arts power after his tragic death. The corners of his mouth could not help but curl up slightly, and his mood was indescribably carefree.

However, in an instant, a powerful force suddenly enveloped his entire body, waking him up instantly.

“What?! That’s impossible!”

Ling Yun exclaimed in shock. His eyes widened in disbelief.

This was because he had seen with his own eyes that the high-grade Original Item in his hand that had been enhanced by the Holy Light Saint Emperor’s holy power was actually shattered into pieces by the young man in front of him!

Not only that, but this person’s fist shadows surged into the sky and were filled with terrifying lightning power. In an instant, they covered the entire space!

Compared to the power he had secretly observed previously, it was simply a world of difference!

In an instant, Ling Yun reacted.

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