Chapter 398: Turning the Tide!

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To him, the team in front of him did make his eyes light up.

From the previous battle, he had already learned that this team was a well-trained elite team. Now that he had just been reborn and did not have any elite soldiers under him, if he could take in these people, his next plan would be smoother.

Most importantly, the True Dragon Blood Essence in the other party’s hand made him very envious. Guang Taichong was right. He had just been reborn and his strength was already less than 10%. However, if he could obtain this True Dragon Blood Essence and refine a Dragon Blood Golden Pill with other materials, his strength would quickly increase.

In fact, it was not impossible to surpass the past!

Moreover, he knew about the remaining materials for the Dragon Blood Golden Pill.

In other words, as long as he took in Guang Taichong and his team, he would be able to recover to his peak in a short period of time. In fact… he would even be stronger than before!

In his opinion, such a deal was very cost-effective.

As for keeping these people alive, as a Venerable, he still had this bit of authority.

In the sky above the battlefield, the hidden Lin Bei frowned slightly.

To be honest, he also wanted to see what choice Guang Taichong would make in such a situation.

At this moment, the Heaven Sealing Power in his hand was already prepared. He could attack at any time and seal the power of heaven and earth around Venerable White Bones.

On the battlefield, Guang Taichong’s eyes were firm and unmoved. He stuffed the medicinal pills into his mouth and drank the True Dragon Blood Essence in his hand.

He was a warrior, a warrior who protected the border!

Even if he died, he could not take a step back!



“You… Very good. Since that’s the case, go to hell!”

Venerable White Bones was stunned when he saw this. Then, his expression darkened. Among his four large hands, he raised the hand holding the shield high. A gray circle of light shot out from the shield. In an instant, it surrounded Guang Taichong.

Guang Taichong’s aura kept rising, but the surrounding light circles seemed to be limiting the increase in his strength, making him feel very uncomfortable.

“Hmph, this Spirit Sealing Shield is my treasure. Once the Spirit Sealing Power is released, it can greatly suppress the power in your body. Even if you swallow so many Meridian Opening Pills, it’s useless!”

Venerable White Bones looked at Guang Taichong, who had a pained expression, and snorted coldly. “Do you think… I really can’t do anything to you? I just wanted to obtain the True Dragon Blood Essence in your hand! You… originally only needed to obediently hand over the True Dragon Blood Essence. This way, you and your teammates would be spared. But… Sigh, it seems that you made a very wrong decision.”

Venerable White Bone sighed and activated the Spirit Sealing Shield in his hand with all his might to forcefully suppress the violent power in Guang Taichong’s body.

“How troublesome. Looks like I’ll have to spend some effort to obtain the True Dragon Blood Essence.”

White Bones frowned. There were a total of four treasures in his hand. One was a wolf fang club, one was a shield, one was a rope, and one was a wine jar.

Among them, the wolf fang club was called the Dao Breaking Hammer. It was the main attack and could break through the power of the Great Dao of the opponent. The shield was the Spirit Sealing Shield that could suppress the opponent’s strength. As for the remaining rope and wine jar, they were the Dragon Trapping Rope and the Wine God Jar, respectively. The former had outstanding control effects and could penetrate the void. It was very agile, while the latter was the most precious. It was said to be a relic of an expert from the ancient martial arts era. The space inside was vast and formed a small world of its own. Moreover, it condensed the power of heaven and earth to brew the Great Dao wine. After drinking it, it was very beneficial.

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