Chapter 297: I'll Remember You!

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Ocean Blue Planet, Jia Mei Country.

Due to the influence of the Fear Incarnation, the Ocean Blue Planet also experienced a violent spatial tremor.

Black Robe was in the Dark Council. Not only was he not flustered, but the smile on his face was also becoming more and more exuberant.

The violent vibrations in the entire space indicated that the Fear Incarnation was already devouring the Second World’s space.

He was filled with anticipation. It would not be long before the Fear Incarnation descended on the Ocean Blue Planet. He was also prepared to activate the Blood Sacrifice Array.

Suddenly, Black Robe’s expression changed drastically.


Black Robe spat out a black corrosive liquid.

Then, the power of fear in his body disappeared.

This was because Black Robe had always relied on the power of Bai Tian when he was still in the Fear Incarnation.

Now that Lin Bei had eliminated the power of fear in Bai Tian’s body, the power of fear that Lin Bei had emitted would also be eliminated. Therefore, Black Robe’s aura also decreased rapidly and became dispirited.

The black passageway that appeared in the sky gradually disappeared.

“It’s over…” Black Robe said in despair.

He knew that all his plans had completely failed this time. The Fear Incarnation had already been defeated.

Although he was unwilling, without the support of the power of fear, he could not carry out the plan alone. There was nothing he could do now.

“Fear… You disappoint me too much!”

Black Robe cursed in his heart.

Not only had he lost the power of fear, but he also had a problem that gave him a headache.

Lin Bei’s Shadow of Stars clone had arrived.

This clone was much stronger than the last time he saw it. It had actually reached the Saint Realm. No wonder the pressure was so powerful.

“You… you…”

Lin Bei ignored Black Robe and looked at the altar.

In the altar were mountains of corpses. These corpses were none other than the experts of the Jia Mei Country from the Dark Council.

Lin Bei frowned.

“So you’re the one behind this.”

Looking at Black Robe who had appeared in the real world, Lin Bei was also a little surprised. He had actually come to the real world from the Second World. Looking at the situation in the hall, he wanted to use the blood energy of so many people to sacrifice.

He guessed that it should be related to the arrival of the Fear Incarnation.

“Since you’re working for the Fear Incarnation, I’m sure you can sense that the power of fear in that world has been completely eliminated.”

“You don’t have to struggle anymore.”

“You’ve also done a lot of evil things. Disappear with the power of fear…”

Lin Bei said as he walked towards Black Robe.

Black Robe’s aura looked very dispirited. It should be related to the disappearance of the power of fear. Since he did not care about the lives of so many people, it would be easy for Lin Bei to deal with him now.

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