Chapter 227: Ancient Ruins!

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Lin Bei’s Shadow of the Stars was currently in front of the tunnel of the terracotta soldiers, one of the eight wonders of the world.

“Our team’s mission this time is to enter the ruins and pass the ruins challenge to obtain some of the rewards.”

In front of Lin Bei, a middle-aged man in plain clothes explained.

His name was Beixuan. According to the people from the Yellow Fire Squad, he was an Extraordinary.

He had already lived for a thousand years.

He was one of the only nine Extraordinaries in the entire Dragon Country.

This time, they had led the team here because of the changes in the Second World, which made everyone feel uneasy.

Beixuan wanted to personally enter the depths of King Qin’s Terracotta Soldiers that had now been named Ruin 3 to investigate.

It was said that a long time ago, many “wonders” in the entire Ocean Blue Planet had more or less mutated, finally forming a special existence like a ruin.

The ruins were very dangerous, but if they could pass the challenge mission in the ruins, they could also obtain many rewards.

“Captain, do you mean that these changes happened on the Ocean Blue Planet a long time ago?”

Lin Bei frowned and asked.

“That’s right. Many of us in the Yellow Fire Squad completed the ruins challenge and obtained rewards. That’s why we finally obtained such powerful strength.”

Beixuan said in a low voice, “Up until now, there are dozens of ruins of various sizes in the entire Dragon Country, but there are only a few that are truly mysterious and powerful. King Qin’s Tomb in front of us is one of them.”

“However, don’t worry too much. With me around, I’ll protect everyone!”

Beixuan glanced at the few people behind him and smiled. “No matter what, I’m one of the Extraordinaries of our Dragon Country. Although I’m not as abnormal as the others, it’s enough to protect you.”

“However, I have to remind you that the ruins of King Qin’s ancient tomb are filled with danger. You can’t be careless!”

Beixuan said, “Although I’m an Extraordinary, I’m not invincible. Listen to my commands when the time comes. Otherwise, all of us might die inside if an accident happens!”


Everyone said excitedly.

This was a legendary ruin. Once they entered and passed the challenge, their strength would increase greatly. How could these young people of the Yellow Fire Squad not be excited?

Lin Bei was the same. Although it was only a Shadow of Stars clone, his current combat strength was comparable to a Legendary.

As for the leader, Beixuan, although he modestly said that he was only a “younger brother” among the Extraordinaries, under the gaze of Lin Bei’s Eye of Stars, Beixuan’s strength could not be hidden at all.

“Peak Extraordinary.”

Lin Bei saw through Beixuan’s strength at a glance.

Although it was still a little inferior to his clone, it was definitely impossible for him to be a rookie among the Extraordinaries.

“Hey, Lin Bei, why don’t you look excited?”

Beside Lin Bei, a lively figure leaned over and sized him up. Seeing his calm expression, she couldn’t help but ask curiously.

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