Chapter 291: Eat My Talisman!

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The turbulence that followed kept tearing at Lin Bei, who was imprisoned by the spider silk.

Facing the powerful attack during the day, Lin Bei was also shocked.

This attack was too powerful. He might be able to withstand it in his full strength, but his current state was really not good.

Fortunately, he still had the Substitute Puppet.

Facing any attack, he could use it to defend himself.

The only negative effect was that it could only replace damage, but the pain brought by the attack still had to be endured by him.

Hence, Lin Bei used the Substitute Doll to block the attack. Then, he used the teleportation ability of the Substitute Doll to leave the area covered by the attack.

However, the intense pain coming from his body made him grimace.

This was too painful. It was as if every cell in his body had been torn apart. It hurt to the depths of his soul.

“It hurts.”

“Although it hurts a little, I won’t lose my life.”

Lin Bei used his strong willpower to support his body and not fall again.

Gradually, the intense pain in his body weakened, and the surrounding turbulence receded. Lin Bei finally withstood the fatal blow of Bai Tian.

On the other side, the Sky-Devouring Magic Spider had fallen into a temporary state of exhaustion because it had used a sure-kill attack.

He also returned to his human form from the state of the Sky-Devouring Magic Spider.

Right now, he needed to recover for a short period of time, so he began to unleash the power of fear and the power of the Devouring Laws to continue devouring the world.

At this moment, Lin Bei got an opportunity.

He took out a talisman that his clone had brought from the Harmonious Development Group from his pocket space.

According to the description of the Shadow of Stars clone, this talisman was attached with the Holy Spirit Evil Warding Spell.

Without thinking, he threw the talisman in his hand in the direction of the day.

“Eat my talisman!”

Lin Bei shouted in a deep voice.

However, the talisman that flew out stunned Lin Bei.

Compared to his explosive power, the flying speed of the talisman was really touching.

Moreover, it was still swaying in midair, as if it would fall to the ground at any moment without enough magic power. It looked very unreliable.

Lin Bei even suspected that he had been deceived. Was this talisman really attached with the Holy Spirit Evil Warding Spell?

Even a tissue that he casually threw out would look more powerful than this useless talisman…

When Bai Tian was recovering, he saw Lin Bei throw a talisman at him.

A mocking smile appeared on his face.

“My Heaven and Earth Devouring is not a joke. Even if you escaped, the blow you received must be very huge.”

“Kid, are you at the end of your rope? Hmph, this is my strength. I was just playing with you previously. If I really wanted to suppress you, it would only take one move.”

Bai Tian was smug.

He looked at the talisman that Lin Bei threw out and curled his lips indifferently.

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