Chapter 341: Is It Reliable?

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Soon, Lin Bei transmitted the Ten Thousand Blood Breathing Technique to every clone through the connection between him and the Shadow of Stars clones.

Just for a moment.

All the Shadow of Stars clones that Lin Bei had sent out had mastered the Ten Thousand Blood Breathing Technique.

At the same time, Lin Bei did not forget to tell the Shadow of Stars clones how to find traces of Jin Jia with the Ten Thousand Blood Breathing Technique.

Then, all the Shadow of Stars clones who had grasped the Ten Thousand Blood Breathing Technique began to erupt with blood energy almost at the same time. They used the Ten Thousand Blood Breathing Technique to search for traces of Jin Jia in the Azure Dragon Country.

The aura of Jin Jia was very special in the Azure Dragon Country.

This was because Jin Jia had an ancient martial power from the Light Domain that almost no Azure Dragon citizen had mastered-the power of light.

Lin Bei had mastered more than a thousand Order Law powers, which happened to include the power of the Light Order Law powers.

This Order Law power was a manifestation of the power of light on Saint Realm cultivators. Previously, although Lin Bei had this Order Law power, he had almost never used it.

This was because almost no one in the Azure Dragon Domain had the power of this Order Law, let alone someone who specialized in it.

Therefore, Lin Bei still did not know what kind of Order Law power this power of light was. He had always felt that it was a very useless power.

Last time, he almost used this power to submit the Harmonious Development Group's mission.

In the end, Lin Bei even got lucky in this situation. He knew the aura of light. As long as this unique aura appeared, Lin Bei would easily capture it and locate it.

"I have to say that this Ten Thousand Blood Breathing Technique is really powerful!"

After the Shadow of Stars began to erupt with blood energy, Lin Bei realized that the Ten Thousand Blood Breathing Technique could cover a large area.

Lin Bei estimated that the blood essence released by just one Shadow of Stars clone could cover at least 1% of the size of the Milky Way.

Moreover, he could clearly sense the vitality of all living beings in the area covered by all the clones.

The entire Azure Dragon Country was about the size of twenty Milky Way Galaxies.

In other words, if Lin Bei could directly summon 2,000 Shadow of Stars clones, he could perfectly cover the entire Azure Dragon Country. Perhaps he could directly locate Jin Jia.

Unfortunately, Lin Bei could not summon so many Shadow of Stars clones yet.

However, the hundred Shadow of Stars clones that Lin Bei had summoned were enough. As long as these Shadow of Stars clones moved quickly in the Azure Dragon Country, they could quickly explore the entire Azure Dragon Country.

In that case, he would try his best to cover every area. The traces of Jin Jia would also be quickly discovered.


Azure Dragon City.

Lan He had a depressed expression.

The other elders just sat there silently.

The atmosphere in the Elder Hall had already reached a freezing point. Only Lan He's heavy breathing could be heard.

All of this happened too suddenly. The betrayal of Jin Jia was a very huge blow to the entire Azure Dragon Domain.

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