Chapter 375: Thankful People

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On the other side.

In the endless void, six ghost-faced figures were rapidly shuttling through.

Their trip was under the orders of the Lord of Fear to search for the seventh ghost face and bring him back to the Lord of Fear.

Fear promised them that if this operation went smoothly, they would have a chance to obtain a reward from His Lord when they returned. It would allow their strength to advance further and step into the legendary Saint Realm.

“Master is really generous this time!”

“That’s right. In order to capture him, the six of us have to move out together. Those who don’t know might think that he’s an expert with a high realm.”

A few blurry figures in the endless void let out some illusory voices.

“Hehe, this is a gift from the Lord of Fear!”

The six ghost-faced figures shuttled through the void and discussed.

It was very easy to find the seventh person who had escaped and capture him. After all, their cultivation realms and strengths were about the same. To them, finding one person with six was as easy as flipping their hands.

However, the void was really too huge and it would take some time.

However, as long as they captured the aura of the seventh person, they could instantly subdue him. Therefore, the few of them were very confident in successfully completing this mission.


At the same time, the hundreds of Fear Incarnations sent out by Fear had already set off.

They were going to the Azure Dragon Domain to investigate the phenomenon that had happened and clean up the people who had caused trouble on the other side of the Gate of Fear so that the fear could descend successfully.

“It’s just the Azure Dragon Domain. Why did Master Fear make such a big fuss? He can directly send one of us to sweep through his Azure Dragon Domain!”

“I heard that the two Original realm experts sent by Master were killed.”

“So what? Original Realm? Trash!”

Hundreds of Fear Incarnations split into a few teams and shuttled quickly in the direction of the Azure Dragon Domain.

In their eyes, the Azure Dragon Domain was only a very remote corner of the endless universe. Even if something happened here, just the fact that all of them were at the Heaven Splitting Realm was enough to sweep through everything.

Therefore, in their eyes, the Lord of Fear’s mission this time was nothing. No matter what happened in the Azure Dragon Domain, as long as they descended, they could directly sweep through all obstacles and successfully open the Gate of Fear.

At that time, the Lord of Fear would descend, and he would definitely give them a lot of benefits.

This way, their strength could increase again. Thinking of this, the speed of the hundreds of Fear Incarnations increased a little…

On the other side.

In an unknown space, in the Black Desert, in the depths of the land of burning flames, space distorted.


Fear, who had just entered a meditative state, let out an angry roar.

Because just now, the Power of Fear he used to cultivate had inexplicably disappeared.

After his investigation, the reason why the Power of Fear disappeared was actually because it had been sucked away by the Power of Devouring through the teleportation array that led to the Gate of Fear!

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