Chapter 326: Killing!

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In the distance, Mengli and Ji Xuanyuan’s expressions changed.

“Run! Use your pocket space to escape!”

They felt the power coming from the divine runes. That power was like the source of all Dao. It was invincible!

Just one look was enough to make one’s eyes sting and blood flow.

Compared to before, the divine rune of the word “Shock” was more than a hundred times stronger!

Unexpectedly, the Blood-Eyed Fear Incarnation was not dead!

Not only that, but he had also risked his life to activate the power of the divine rune. If Lin Bei was hit, he would die or be crippled!

“Escape? Dream on! All of you… must die!”

Above the divine rune, the blood-colored phantom laughed wildly.

Hearing this, Lin Bei felt a little helpless.

‘Please, who said anything about running away?’

What a joke.

Pursing his lips, he slowly opened his clenched fist. Three stars of Original Dust shot out and blasted at the phantom above the divine rune.

That’s right, his target was the spiritual mark of the Blood-Eyed Fear Incarnation.

Originally, he wanted to directly attack the divine rune.

However, when the divine rune of the word “Shock” was completely activated, the power of the Heavenly Lightning that had transformed from the power of the Azure Dragon in his body actually became extremely excited, as if it was about to break out of his body uncontrollably.

The power of the Heavenly Lightning was cheering.

This made Lin Bei think of something else.

Then, he directly changed his target and threw the three Original Dusts at the phantom in the sky.

At this moment, everyone was stunned.

Ji Xuanyuan watched in a daze. Mengli was also watching in a daze. Even the phantom of the Blood Eye Incarnation was dumbfounded.

What’s that?

Original Dust?

Moreover… there were a total of three?!

What was he going to do?

At this moment, everyone was in a daze.

Such a precious thing was casually thrown out?

Moreover, judging from the direction of the throw… was it in the direction of the divine rune?

Ji Xuanyuan and Mengli did not understand.

Was he going to support the enemy?

However, just as everyone was confused, a low shout sounded in the void.


As soon as he finished speaking, the three Original Dust instantly disappeared. Then, the dark void instantly lit up like daytime. Boundless power surged and erupted, actually blasting most of the void into nothingness!

Under the explosion of the Original Power, the blood-eyed phantom instantly turned into nothingness and disappeared without a trace.

As for the “Shock” divine rune, the moment it was separated from the blood-eyed spiritual mark, Lin Bei used Shadow Shift to move it to a corner of the void and make it dodge the explosion.

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