Chapter 373: Terrifying Improvement!

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In the hall, a group of people had surprised expressions.

Soon, the elder in the lead said, “Alright, Mr. Lin is cultivating. Let’s not disturb him anymore!”

Then, under his orders, everyone retreated.

Not only that, but they also set up a barrier around the City Lord Manor to prevent others from disturbing Lin Bei.

As for Lin Bei himself, he had already entered a mysterious state.

At this moment, he had already entered his pocket space.

The thousands of Shadow of Stars clones sat cross-legged around him with the Fire of Inheritance hanging high above their heads. At this moment, Lin Bei was comprehending the various ancient martial arts inheritances from the Azure Dragon Token at an extremely fast speed.

Hundreds of ancient martial powers surrounded his body. Under the guidance of the Chaos Breathing Technique, there was no conflict. Instead, as time passed, they slowly fused into the meridians in his body.

But soon, Lin Bei frowned slightly. He suddenly realized that there was not enough energy.

This way, his progress in comprehending the ancient martial power would be delayed.

With this in mind, he could not care less. He raised his hand and waved, instantly tearing a hole in the space above his head.

At the same time, in the Azure Dragon Mystic Realm, the Shadow of Stars clone beside the Gate of Fear received an order and poured the purified Power of Fear of the Shadow of Harmony into his pocket space.

In the space above his head, the original power poured down like a waterfall. The power that was about to dry up in Lin Bei’s body immediately filled up.

At the same time, his originally stagnant comprehension continued to surge like enlightenment.

“Haha, this feeling… is really too awesome!”

Lin Bei laughed out loud. At this moment, he no longer knew what realm he was in. He only felt that he could no longer be judged by his current realm.

He did not seem to have broken through to the legendary Heaven Splitting Realm, but his Original Realm had broken through more than 100 levels.

If he had to say it, he could now be called an Original realm expert above rank 100.

However, the problem was that the highest realm in the Original Realm was only ninth-grade. His 100th-grade was a little incompatible.

“Forget it. Who cares about the realm? In any case, my strength has really become stronger. Moreover, I have a feeling that the current me can easily tear open even the void. This performance is already comparable to a Heaven Splitting expert.”

Lin Bei muttered to himself, “Moreover, the Heaven Splitting Realm seems to be defined based on whether I can tear through the void. Speaking of which… I can be considered to be in the Heaven Splitting Realm in another sense, right?”

More and more Galaxy Meridians were opened in Lin Bei’s body.

As the Galaxy Meridian was opened, the power purified by the Shadow of Harmony surged into his body and instantly filled it up.

This feeling made him feel like he was floating.

“I’m still a little slow. At this speed, it will definitely be a month later when I absorb all these inheritances. At that time, the Azure Beast Qilin’s cave abode will have long opened!”

Lin Bei calculated in his heart and finally had a bold idea. “No, this is too slow. Little Shadow, absorb the power of the Gate of Fear with all your might and convert the power according to my requirements. Inject it all into your pocket space!”

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