Chapter 281: Granny Liu Enters the Grand View Garden

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“Let’s talk about the materials used to build this camp. We found them in the ruins of the Heavenly Court.”

“And this whole building can move at any time.”

“This is also one of the reasons why our Harmonious Development Group is difficult to discover.”

Looking at Lin Bei, who was full of question marks, Li Sansi explained as he walked.

“Not only that, but there are also many powerful weapons on it. If a Saint Realm expert like you has the intention to invade, this weapon can also make you disappear instantly.”

Li Sansi pointed to the top floor of the fortress.

Lin Bei followed behind Li Sansi and listened to his introduction of the place with relish.

Soon, the two of them arrived at the entrance of the fortress.

The door of the fortress was a blue transparent spatial barrier that also contained dense Order Law Power.

[Beep beep…]

[Identity confirmed: Human Team Li Sansi]

[Identity confirmed: Ungrouped Shadow of Stars clone of Lin Bei]

“Welcome to the Harmonious Development Group’s camp~ Please come in~” A sweet voice sounded.

“How do you know who I am?” Lin Bei said to the air.

“Haha, this is the access restriction here. She’s even more powerful than my Truth Seeking Glasses!” Li Sansi adjusted his glasses and pointed at the lenses on them as he explained.

“Thank you for the compliment~” The sweet voice sounded again.

“The AI here is so humane! As expected of the Harmonious Development Group.” Lin Bei sighed.

“This child is condensed from the power of laws. She might transform into the true human form someday!” Li Sansi brought Lin Bei into the camp.

The space inside the camp was even larger than Lin Bei had imagined. This place did not look like an indoor place. It was like walking into a small town.

Moreover, the clothes worn by the people here were very different from that of the Second World.

The NPCs of Second World were dressed in rather simple clothes, like people from the history books of the Ocean Blue Planet.

The people here were dressed very modernly. Some were wearing ordinary sweaters and jeans, some were wearing metal-colored clothes with various technological products, and some were even wearing glowing clothes…

Just like the clothes in the sci-fi movies that Lin Bei knew, there were all kinds of clothes. Not only was it modern, but it was also very advanced.

The strange clothes of the people here made Lin Bei dizzy.

“The clothes here are very different from the outside world!” Lin Bei sighed.

“Most of the items here come from the Ruins of the Heavenly Court. That’s the most magical place.”

“Our Harmonious Development Group is nothing,” Li Sansi pretended to be humble, but he was very proud in his heart.

“Let’s go. I’ll bring you around and find the Holy Spirit Evil Warding Spell you want.” As he spoke, Li Sansi brought Lin Bei into the street.

“Snack street”

There were two big words written on a neon sign on the side of the street.

Lin Bei followed behind Li Sansi and looked around. There were various snack stalls on both sides of the street. It was extremely lively.

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