Chapter 245: Fate Is So Wonderful!

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Black Robe grinned and said, “It’s very simple. Now that the four worlds are united, in terms of strength, the Primordial World is naturally the most respected. As long as you destroy the other three worlds and absorb their world power, even if they’re the lower worlds, with such a huge amount of world power integrated, it’s a very huge harvest for you. Do you think I make sense?”

“So that’s what you’re thinking. But don’t forget the principle of long-term progress. To us, the lower realm is more like a huge petri dish. Every once in a while, it can send us ‘genius resources’ for us to absorb. If we follow your method, although it’s much faster, it’s to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs. It’s not good.”

In the darkness, a dry voice sounded. Its tone had already become indifferent.

“Zhang Tian, don’t be in a hurry to refuse. Look at this.”

Black Robe did not retreat because of the other party’s coldness. Instead, the smile on his lips deepened. As he spoke, he took out a talisman.

When he took out the talisman, the entire space in the hall of the Heavenly Deity Association trembled.

“What is this? What a powerful spatial fluctuation! This is… the power of the Saint Realm?!”

In the darkness, the dry voice was filled with excitement and shock.

“That’s right. This talisman came from a Saint Stage powerhouse. This talisman is called the Dao Fusion Talisman. It can directly ignore the rules of the lower realm and forcefully gather and absorb the power of the Dao Law of the lower realm. The power will be stored in the talisman.”

Black Robe waved his hand and the Dao Fusion Talisman flew into the darkness. “I’ll give this to you. As for how to choose, I’ll leave it to you. As for petri dishes, the Primordial World can be one too. Compared to the lower realm, if you can control the Primordial World, the speed at which you obtain resources will definitely be thousands of times faster than before. Zhang Tian, don’t you think I’m right?”

“…See you.”

The withered voice did not answer Black Robe’s question. Instead, it said calmly.

When Black Robe heard this, he grinned and did not say anything else. His figure dissipated and disappeared from the hall.

All he had to do was give the other party a push.

As for whether the other party would do it or not, hehe, he did not believe that the other party could hold back.

Even if the other party could tolerate it, what about the people behind the other party?

After waiting for countless eras, could they bear to miss this opportunity?


“Just wait and watch the show. Those people from the lower realm… have strong people. It’s best if they fight in chaos. This way, it’ll be easier for Master to do things.”

In the void, the corners of Black Robe’s mouth curled up. “The spatial coordinates on the Ocean Blue Planet are already being set up. When there are enough sacrifices of living beings here, we can use the power of the world to forcefully open a spatial passageway to the Ocean Blue Planet. At that time, this will be a great merit! Master’s reward will definitely not be little!”


The space within a hundred miles of Holy Light Village had already been destroyed by the terrifying lightning. After Lin Bei left the secret room, he looked at the pitch-black empty space around him in a daze and did not come back to his senses for a long time.

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