Tango x Scott

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Scott Place

Scott currently in his admin domain room and admin magic can be seen floating around him, and he’s currently in a call with Noxcrew talking about MCC Season 4

Noxite: Ok I think we should call it, it’s been one long night!

All The others agree

Noxite: Scott?

Scott: Hm?

Noxite: You should get some rest when going to all sign off! What are you doing anyways?

Scott: Looking over player stats, checking who is still allowed in MCC and thinking of more idea for teams!

Noxite: Go to bed!

Scott: Will when I finish! I’m a starborn after all so the night my life!

Noxite: {Sends a message out to Jimmy} Fine, but you’ll regret it!

Scott: {Eye roll Shutting down the call}

Landlore: You forget he has the same amount of admin magic as you on MCC, he’s only messenger so he can play, but he’s a strong modded admin for being solo!

Noxite: Yeah, I forgot!

With Jimmy

Jimmy: {Notices the message and sends it over to Tango}

SolidarityGaming: Tango deal with Scott please, I’m dealing with stuff, and plus you two need a better relationship!

TangoTek: He’s the one distant from me, but ok!

SolidarityGaming: I know he’s probably being stubborn to sleep

TangoTek: But shouldn’t he be tired….

SolidarityGaming: You might find out what his main origin is tonight because of this….

TangoTek: I’m a go ask X!

Admin Domain

Tango: X thank you!

Suma: Of course Tango! Let me just show you where Scott place is!

Tango: Mhh!

Scott Place

Suma: Here we are, just go into the lobby and knock at the main door! It will probably say “Do Not Disturb or Else!

Tango: Most likely! Thank you X! {He goes in} Of course!


Scott: Read the sign!

Tango: Scott Alphin Major!

Scott: {Startled bird noise, goes over to the door}

You can hear a lot of cursing as the door opens

Scott: How are you here?

Tango: I have admin magic, I just don’t uses it!

Scott: Ah!

Tango: {Blushing seeing what he’s wearing}

Scott: {Bites his lip} Come in Tango….

Tango: {Enters looking around}

Admin home in the admin domain are made off of the admin, Scott wall are light blue the ceiling a starry sky, the floor a simple spruce, though each admin house has a room filled with other world orb they’ve enter including their own world, and they can have thing like past clothes and items from those past worlds, and all admin have a admin curse, Scott is that he remember every world he’s been in without special admin permission which is normally given to all but some world are acception like Outsiders!

Tango: Why arn’t you asleep Scott, it’s 2am!

Scott: I have trouble falling asleep on my own, and I didn’t want to bug anyone, I know I have a flower to help but I don’t like over using flowers, I’m also working still!

Tango: Scott! You’re a workaholic you know!

Scott: I’ve been told a lot!

Tango: You need to rest!

Scott: But I’m a….. {Looks to Tango} I’m a starborn, we don’t sleep often…

Tango: {Shocked but takes a deep breath pulling him into the warmth of his body} Sleep, and no using star magic!

Scott: {Sighs and gives up leaning in the magic fading} You win…

Tango: Good now rest!

Scott: {Teleports him to his room pulling him close kissing him}

Tango: {Holds him close kissing him back} Night starlight….

Scott: Night hellflame…

Within 5 minutes Scott falls asleep and in the next 15 minutes Tango falls asleep as well!

In The Morning….

Scott: {Wakes up and smiles teleporting out of bed, and making sure the light stays dim}

Tango: {Still asleep}


Scott: {Notices the glow from the communicator and picks it up} I’ll keep my promise Tango… {Turns his communicator to only emergency admin notification} I should make something to eat! {Grabs his headphones and put them on}

20 Minutes Later

Tango: {walks downstairs with a soft smile watching Scott}

Meme {snowman meme}

I want you to know that I'm never leaving
'Cause I'm Mrs. Snow, 'til death we'll be freezing
Yeah, you are my home, my home for all seasons
So come on, let's go

Let's go below zero and hide from the sun
I love you forever where we'll have some fun
Yes, let's hit the North Pole and live happily
Please, don't cry no tears now, it's Christmas, baby

Meme Ends

Tango: He sings like an angel, but getting his attention when he has music on is impossible and you never sneak up behind him….

You look around the room and you can see it flowing with Scott admin magic…

Tango: Maybe! {He makes a flame appear}

Scott: {Looks over and smiles taking his headphone off} Well someone figure out that other magic in my admin home disturbs me!

Tango: Lucky guess! {Pulls him into a hug}

Scott: {A little hesitant but leans in}

Tango: I’m a do everything I can to make you feel comfortable around me….

Scott: Don’t worry so much, it’s just takes time!

Tango: But I want to be able to do much more with my starlight!

Scott: {Blushes, mind in the gutters}

Tango: I mean um! That came out wrong, but you know it wouldn’t matter adventally!

Scott: {Blushes and kiss him}

Tango: {Shocked but pulls him in}

Scott: Can you shut up and just go sit down and look hot while I cook!

Tango: Ok! {Eye roll sitting down}

Word Count: 937 Character Count: 5073

My name is Ella Shade, and “I’m One of Us!”

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