Age Update

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Ok ok this is quite short but I had to do a flower Rancher Age update senses go for me I always had Jimmy younger then Scott which I believe is following IRL, but I have the feeling that Jimmy and Grian are both older then Scott, so yeah!

Philza: Age 34
Martyn: Age 29
Lizzie: Age 28
Joel: Age 29
Pearl: Age 27
Grian: Age 26
Jimmy: Age 26
Tango: Age 28
Impulse: Age 29
Skizz: Age 30
Zed: Age 26
Lauren: Age 28
Xander Age 24
Scott: Age 24
Acho: Age 21
Owen: Age 28
Suma: Age 30

That all for know, if u want all Hermitcraft Members, and Empire Member, and side member do ask me! Luv u nether stars!

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