Trauma From Double Life

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Trauma From Double Life


Grian: Scar hunny is this a smart idea?

Scar: The only reason we manage to make up is because we are on the same server, other like the diverours duos, Ren and BigB, and many other can’t! Now do the meeting…

Grian: {Sigh} Fine!

Scar: {Kisses his check} Thanks love, now I’m gonna tell Suma where we are going!

Grian: Ok!


Announcement for all Life Series Members Mainly Those of Double Life

@All Life Series Members If you are seeing this, we will all be meeting on the Life Series Break Server, but those of Double life be warn your soulbounds are back in place, due to this meeting being about the incidents of Double Life, the three members of Life Series who weren’t part of Double Life @Gemini Tay, @LDShadowLady, @Mumbo Jumbo you will be allowed to join in this to help with the following issues if you like, no avoiding this meeting you will all be pulled to the server!

Scott: Oh I’m murdering Grian….

Tango: Why Scott?

Scott: Secondary Admin of Life Series, he should have told me!

Jimmy: It’s about Double Life Hun, that probably why he didn’t tell you, your relationship with Pearl is not the best, and senses the soul bound will be on, we will most likely be dealing with Scarlet Pearl!

Scott: {Flinches} …Damn it…

Life Series Server…

Scott: {Teleports over to Grian} One moment everyone! {Grabs Grian and-}

Admin Grian entered the code, Secondary Admin Smajor1995 entered the code…

Jimmy: Scott pissed at Grian….

Scar: Clearly….

In The Code

Scott: Why did you not tell me ahead of time about this?

Grian: You would avoid it in any way….

Scott: Yes, yes I would, because mine and Pearl relationship is like ugh……

Grian: Pearl was quite yandere over you in a way, and was trying to get you back throughout the the time, and did a couple of bad things to harm you….

Scott: A couple, this soul bound gonna kill me… {Flinches} Damn it Pearl…

Grian: Can we just try this…

Scott: {Groans, his wings pulling around him} Fine!

Grian: {Grabs Scott hand and Teleports back}

Life Series Server…

Grian: Sorry about that! Admin problem!

Pearl {Scarlet Pearl}: Hiding Scott….

Scott: {Looks away} ….

Pearl: Aw come on Scott~!

Scott: Not now Pearl….

Gem: {Whispers to Lizzie} Did my girlfriend go Scott crazy or something?

Lizzie: {Whisper back} From what Joel told me, Scott and Pearl are soul bound, but Scott felt betrayed by Pearl because she ran off with Martyn during the first meet up instead of looking for her soul bound, so Scott and Cleo teamed up leaving their soulbounds, Martyn then left Pearl saying it was her fault, and we’ll Pearl went crazy….

Gem: {Whispers} So we have Scarlet Pearl….

Lizzie: {Whispers} Yes, and she quite a mix of yandere and abusive in a way to Scott…. they're not the only toxic relationship during Double Life….

Gem: {Whisper} Who were the others?

Lizzie: {Whispers} Grian & Scar, BigB & Ren, Martyn & Cleo! The main toxic ones were Grian & Scar, & Scott and Pearl, Martyn & Cleo were questionable, and BigB & Ren, they were a good duo until BigB and Grian had a secret relationship…

Grian: Ok so where here just to make sure everyone's relationship with your soulbounds is good, mainly 4 groups….

The Group Separates…

Scott: {In Tango wings}

Scott’s hiding in Tango wing because Pearl doesn’t like the heat

Pearl: Really Scott, where supposed to fix our relationship!

Scott: Yeah don’t think that ever gonna happen!

Pearl: And why that?

Scott: Oh you blame me for leaving you after you spent the whole day hanging out with Martyn instead of finding your soul bound, and you think I was just gonna let you be my partner! No! You betrayed me before I betrayed you!

Pearl: You still didn’t have to leave me! I was left alone with no one but Tilly!

Scott: Try to fucking fix a relationship! But no you went yandere! I can’t! I’m done with this! {His admin magic glows and-}

Smajor1995 entered the admin void….

Grian: {Flies over with Scar} What happen?

Pearl: He’s being a prick like always! He betrayed me! I did nothing wrong!

Grian: No you both hurt each other, but you won't admit you did it! Scott did when he killed himself and gave you the win, because he knew he did something wrong, and you forgave him in the end!

Pearl: …But he won’t forgive me so why should I care!

Grian: Apologise first, then see…

Pearl: Fine…

Grian: {His admin magic glows and pulls Scott}

Scott: Ack! Grian!

Grian: No, just listen…

Scott: Pearl…

Pearl: {Sighs} I’m sorry Scott, I was toxic, to the point I went yandere for you, just to make you feel bad, and I just hurt you more, you gave your life for me in the end, and I still hadn’t said sorry to you, so I’m sorry…

Scott: It’s fine Pearl, we all go insane in these games, I didn’t hold much against you, I just have trama with yanderes, you just went a bit wicked….

Pearl: {Smiles, & her form changes back to normal} She’s at bay now, and forgives you….

Scott: Good….friends Pearl?
Pearl: Always….

Grian: {Sighs in relief laying on Scar side}

Scar: {Pulls him close}

Scott: What about the others?

Grian: BigB and Ren have been made up, Cleo & Martyn agreed to stop holding grudges, and have been at peace since the end of Double Life, and as everyone knows me and Scar are engaged and been made up!

Jimmy: Thank cod this is over with!

Grian: Tell me about it Tim!

Short story but, it gives background to those of Double Life…

My name is Ella Shade and “I’m one of Us!”

Word Count: 983 Character Count: 5364

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