The Magic of Empire S1 Part 4 Of Where Are We

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The Magic of Empire S1 Part 4 Of Where Are We

Ok So I had to do a bit of a nature wives thing in this chapter because I haven’t done anything! But it’s also time to focus on the magic that lies in all 12 Empires!

Meeting At Spawn {12 Empire rulers, Grian, and Suma}

Scott: {Looks at Wels}

Wels: {Shrugs}

Scott: Is everyone here now?

fWhip: Yeah everyone here!

Scott: Then let’s begin this meeting!

fWhip: So, none of us admins have been able to figure out how to get the hermits back to Hermitcraft….

Suma: It seems like theirs is a magical barrier blocking our admin magic…

Scott: Which is why we asked you all here, I have a theory that might work to get the Hermits back….

Joel: Which is?

Grian: How all 12 Empires have a special magic that goes to them! We think that either one of the Empire magic or all of them might be a key….

Scott: As we know with the Empires crown made by Count fWhip combining all of our jewels with it the magic was strong! That anytime a ruler used it they could feel the magic or their magic grew stronger…

Lizzie: Like how when you had the crown your ice magic got worse…

Scott: Exactly like that! One or all of our magic could be a key!

Scott Stands up with Wels following him

Scott: {Takes a deep breath, his magic glowing and it goes above the group showing the map of all 12 Empires} As us 12 Ruler know our magic is connected to our Empire, to our world!

Grian: {Goes over to Scott} That also follows with Hermitcraft! {His magic shows the Hermitcraft Season 10 Map}

Joe: But none of us Hermits know your magic, besides the 3 Hermits whose Empire are key to this world…

Scott: {Looks at fWhip}

fWhip: {Nods his magic glowing}

Scott: {His magic surround him and his clothing change, a mic appearing on him and with the other 12 rulers}

The Other Rulers: {Nod figuring out the plan}

Magic surrounds the Group and they appear at Spawn with the group of hermits and the Rulers!

fWhip: Just follow the ruler! Scott go ahead!


Scott: Somewhere in the world there is a father and a mother
And the father is a son, who has a mother
The mother has a daughter who gets married to the brother of a mother

{Rivendell Magic is quite mix and hard to tell}
And they all just tryna multiply with one another

'Cause that's just the way of the world
It never ends till the end, then you start again
That's just the way of the world
That's just the way of the world

fWhip/Gem: Somewhere in the world they think they're working for themselves
They get up everyday to go to work for someone else

{Grimlands magic is shown to be destruction and restore, while the Crystal Cliff is clearly amethyst and fire magic!}
And somebody works for them and so they think they've got it made
But they're all just working to get paid the very same

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