On The Ice

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On The Ice

This is a Flower Husband Story!

Inspiration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WjGGqNcf6tw

Note: This is the in-between world, outside of the server a couple of servers have a main home world, which are the different worlds listed in the Oneshot story! Some people connection stay the same, like Lizzie and Jimmy being siblings, same with Sausage, Gem and fWhip, and as well as Scott’s four siblings! Jimy lives with Lizzie, while Scott lives with Martyn and Jack! {Jack Manifold} Another thing to note is that some remember the server life, like admins will, watchers, listeners, voidrians, and gods, but most do not! Dream SMP members, Origin SMP members , QSMP members, and Vault Hunter are more complicated, curtain member are allowed to remember, all Vault Hunter Member remember Vault Hunter and All Hermits remember Hermitcraft!

Lizzie and Jimmy House

Jimmy: So you guys want to go ice skating and you invited Martyn, Jack, and their other roommate to join?

Lizzie: Please! Me and Joel are planning on going and I really think it would be nice for us all!

Jimmy: …

Lizzie: Please!

Jimmy: Fine Lizzie!

Lizzie: Yeah! Lets go!

Jimmy: Ack!

At The Ice Rink

Jimmy: Did you get dragged?

Martyn: Yeah, though the one who dragged me not even here yet!

Jimmy: Hm…

Jack: Let’s just get this over with!

On The Ice

Martyn/Jack: {Holding onto each other} How did we end up lick this!

Lizzie: Don’t worry it’s your first time!

Joel: {Flops on the ground} Where Jimmy?

Martyn: What the fuck!?

Lizzie: Wow Jimmy!

Joel: {Mouth drop}

Jimmy: {Dancing on the ice, In his head} …This brings back memories of Empires, oh I miss being able to dance on the ice with you Scott!

Jack: Snowflake your here!

Scott: Yeah sorry I was late! You know I need to get my skates!

Martyn: And change!

Scott: I skate often! Of course I have an outfit!

Jimmy: {Notices, In his head} Scott!? {Blushing}

Scott: {Gets on the ice with a delicate motion}

Joel: Show off!

Scott: I ice skate normally! {Looks at them} Jack? Martyn?

Martyn: Oh shush it Coral! This is hard!

Scott: Can I take him Jack?

Jack: Go ahead! I’m getting of the ice!

Scott: Nether borns! {Grabs Martyn}

Martyn: Nope! {Almost Falls}

Scott: {Catches him} I got you puffer now come on!

Jimmy: Can I steal Joel Lizzie?

Lizzie: Go ahead!

Jimmy: {Grabs Joel}

Joel: Timmy!

Jimmy: Just follow my lead it’s like dancing!

Joel: …Fine!

After a Bit

Joel: {Pulls Lizzie in}

Lizzie: There you go!

Martyn: Ok this is fun!

Scott/Jimmy Peacefully scatting when they run into each other

Scott: Hi….

Jimmy: Didn’t think it would be you…

Scott: Why that?

Jimmy: You’ve been pushing yourself away from everyone after Secret Life!

Scott: I have my reasons…

Jimmy: {Pulls him in starts dancing with him}

Scott: {blushes following his lead}

The other taking a break

Martyn: {guys look}

Joel: Wow!

Lizzie: {Smiles}

Joel: {In his head} Brings back memories!

Jimmy: {Pulls him in then spins him around}

Scott: {Giggles lightly}

Jimmy: This is just nice….Also stop acting like you don’t remember anything…

Scott: Sorry….

Jimmy: It’s fine!

They just dance on the ice the other joining back in…

Yeah I know it's short but I just wanted a bittersweet story!

My name is Ella Shade and “I’m one of Us!”

Word Count: 564 Character Count: 3192

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