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Secret Life Meeting

This takes place after the second to last episode of Secret Life when everyone red!

Grian: *Catching everyone up on everything that happened so far*

Scott: *trying to not yell*

In Scott head

Puffy: Guys your stressing Scott out, just shut up!

Keralis: I just can't believe this is what they go through...

Iskall: We knew they went to death game but this!

Scott: *enter the mind space* If you all don't fucking shut up! I'm a throw myself in the void and let the watcher have me! I'm trying to focuses on the damn ass meeting! In Aeor name you all give me a migraine!

Iskall/Keralis/Puffy: Sorry Scott!

Voidrian: Leave the server damn it! Its the end of the damn ass game!

Scott: I'm done! *his magic surrounds him and mute the Voidrian*

Grian: Scott the meeting over....

Scott: Thank Aeor, my head hurts...

Grian: You want me to send you a admin over view of everything...

Scott: Please they weren't giving me a break!

Grian: *nods* Now go rest the winner server still close so you can stay in Secret Life or go to the group server!

Scott: I'm a go to the group server! *his admin magic makes a portal* Bye-! *jumps through*

Grian: Talk to him Tango your the only one know who can get him to rest full without pain killers!

Tango: *nods*

Scott Base Group Server

Scott base is high in the mountains a path circle up the mountain so the other can get to him, but he stays up there for the memory of Rivendell senses he can't enter Empire at this time and to be near the stars!

The Next Following is part of the video above!

Scott: *In his head* Good I hate meeting, the voidrian! just keep bugging me! I'm second admin of Life Series, I'm not able to leave!

You can hear in the back running foot steps

Tango: Scott!!!!

Scott: *In his head* In Aeor name! Just breath.... *Turning around seeing Tango trying to catch his breath* What do you need Tango?

Tango: Scott we really need to talk, everyone worried about you, and you've been surviving these game on pain killer!

Due to Scott admin curse he has scare from every death and the life series one act up when he's in a game!

Scott: I'm fine Tango, thank for your concern! *In his head* Sorry Tango but I'm fine...Right?

Tango: Scott Wait!!! *grabs his hand before he can leave*

Scott: ... *doesn't stop him*

Tango: Scott please I know your hiding it! Your stress and in pain, but you act like your fine!

Scott: *starts tearing up*

Tango: Please talk tome starlight!

Scott: *In his head* Fuck it! *hugs him*

Tango: *In his head* Did he just? He did...Love you starlight!

That's the end for the part from the video

Like 10 to 15 minutes later

Scott: I'm sorry... *he mutters softly*

Tango: You have no reason to be sorry, you just don't like showing people your pain...

Scott: How did you know?

Tango: Jimmy talks a lot about you....

Scott: *blushes*

Tango: I love you starlight!

Scott: *blushes* I.... *looks to him* I...I love you too hellflame! *stutters, looking away senses he normal doesn't stutter

Tango: Your cute when you stutter!

Scott: *blushes more* Tango....

Tango: Can't help it starlight!!!

Scott: *his wings uncurl and slap him*

Tango: Hey!

Scott: Deserved!

Tango: *pulls him then bends him over kissing him*

Scott: Mgh~!

Tango: Got you!

Scott: Damn you!

Tango: *snickers* You had it coming!

Scott: *eye roll pulling close to him*

Tango: Come lets fix you up and get some sleep!

Scott: Ok....

By Nether Stars

"My Name Ella Shade and I'm One of Us!"


Word Count: 631

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