Behind The Star Admin Earring

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Behind The Star Admin Earing

Currently on Server Unity, Scott’s Base

Oro: Scott

Scott: Yeah dad?

Oro: I have a question!

Scott: About, what?

Oro: Your star earing

Scott: {Nervous now} What about it, it’s just a normal earring?

Oro: Clearly you forget I can tell when your lying, and your very nervous, so it’s not a normal earring…

Scott: Damn it! I’m not allowed to say! I didn’t create it another admin did….

Oro: Then how do you have one?

Scott: When an admin is trained by someone with the star earring, it’s tradition that after they finish their training and become a fully fleg admin they get an earring, I got mine from Dream, Dream got his from X, and well X got it from the creator…..

Oro: You know the creator?

Scott: Yes but I’m not allowed to say… {Groans} That’s it I’m calling a group meeting! {Taps the earring twice} I know everyone questioning why I made this call but we need a meet up, Oro asking to many questions about the earring and I can’t do this on my own!

Dream: How did you slip up!?

Scott: He’s my dad Daydream, not my fault he knows me well!

Grian: {Sigh} Meet up at my admin base!

Scott: Yes sir… {Turns off the call} You got me in huge trouble….

Oro: Sorry, but I can’t help but be curious!

Scott: I know… {His magic glows and an item appears} Grian admin base please…

A Portal appears…

Scott: Follow!

Oro: {Follows him}

Grian Admin Base…

Tommy: Can’t believe you got figure out!

Scott: Quite rubbing it in!

Dream: Leave him be Toms! You almost got caught by Phil multiple times, who also your father!

fWhip: I almost got caught by Gem! She’s my twin after all!

Dream: Yeah mom almost caught me!

Suma: Not a problem for me!

Tommy/Scott/Dream/fWhip: Because Grian is the only one who would have suspensions, and he knows!

Suma: Point taken…

Next thing they know, a portal appears with a star in the center…

Scott: Come on Oro! You need to go in first or it will close on you!

Oro: Ok!

In the Star Group Meet Room….

Grian: Scott, how did he find out?

Scott: He had his suspensions…. Also he can senses the magic…

Grian: {Sighs, and flies down} Well Oro you found out our Secret!

Oro: Your the creator aren’t you!?

Grian: Indeed! Grian Xelqua Minecraft Starford, also known as Xelqua Starford admin of EVO!

Oro: Of course…

Grian: Yeah, I trained Suma and gave him the earring, originally it was meant to protect him from watcher magic, but clearly doesn’t work when they throw themself into the danger… {Looks at Scott}

Scott: Ay! I was trying to help!

Grian: Yeah, then I had told Suma to make another earring and give it to his student, and well that how we all got together, somehow, it ended up with my roommates from Admin High, and my nephew!

Oro: Who’s your nephew? I know Philza has kids, but I only ever meet Wilbur!

Grian: Tommy over there! He wasn’t born yet!

Tommy: Hello! Theseus Innit Minecraft, son of Philza Minecraft Angel of Death, and Kristen Minecraft goddess of Death, youngest brother of TechnoBlade Minecraft the blood god, and Wilbur Soot Gold Minecraft, god of music and madness!

Oro: Meaning your a god yourself!

Tommy: Indeed! Phoenix God!

Oro: Ok how many people here have god blood?

fWhip: Everyone here, but you, me, and Suma!

Oro: {Looks at Scott} Scott?

Scott: Champion of Aeor, Ullr, and connected to the deer constellation, and god of Forgotten Magic…. Yeah….

Oro: {Sighs} How much do I not know!?

Grian: A lot Oro, a lot!

My Name Is Ella Shade and I am “One of Us!”

Words: 634 Characters: 3412

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