The Argument Over Xornoth Crystal

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The Argument Over Xornoth Crystal


Ok I love Weird Nerd Video, so Please Sub to them if you have not sub yet!

Character On the Side of Freeing Xornoth: Joey, Katherine, Sausage, Curse, Cory, Shelby, Pearl…

Characters Neutral: Pix, Gem, Joel, Jimmy, Lizzie

Characters Against: fWhip, Scott…


Scott: {Working on royal stuff, then looks at the list with a sigh} Why did I give them the idea that if they can redeem him he can be set free…

fWhip: What the fuck is going on Scott?

Scott: {His ice magic hits the side of the Wall where fWhip Enter} What the fuck fWhip!

fWhip: Sorry I forget I shouldn’t sneak up on you!

Scott: Yeah never do! My ice magic is still hard to control! Know what you need?

fWhip: Katherine, Shelby, Pearl, Sausage, Joey, and Curse and Cory are coming to talk to you about Xornoth…

Scott: Fuck! fWhip I need to go…

fWhip: Where?

Scott: Rivendell Church! {He grabs his cap his wings curling in running off}

fWhip: What did he get himself into…

The Stag Church…

Scott: {Passing when his wings turn gold} Dang it! {Teleports out the gold dimming} Oh stags why did I do this…

Katherine:They you are…

Scott: Sorry busy! {His wings open about to fly off}

Pearl: {Her magic lasso comes out} Nope, you promised!

Shelby: {Laying on Katherine side}

Joey: {With Cory}

Sausage: {By Curses side}

Scott: {In his head} Shit… {Outload, taking a deep breath} Fine! {His magic glows and Pearl lasso returns to her} Follow me…

Outside Rivendell Grounds…

Sausage: Why are we outside of Rivendell…

Scott: In hope this conversation will not be watched… {He looks to the group}

Joey: But what about the crystal?

Scott: {Takes his cap off and the crystal shows around his neck}

Cory: You’ve just had it on you…

Shelby: You stop doing that after it kept corrupting you…

Scott: I won’t speak of why…. {His wings glow gold, and he mutters} Not right now Aeor…

Joey: {Smiles lightly}

Scott: {Holds the jewel and his hand glows and-}

The ghost like figure of Xornoth aka Xander appears}

Xander: Wow…. {Looks to Scott} Hey Scott…

Scott: ….

Xander: … {Looks to Joey and Cory with a smile} Joey, Cory…

Joey: Hey Xorny….

Cory: Hey monster…

Scott: {Notices the crystal no longer a deep red it’s more of Xander normal deep magenta, mutters} Xander…. {Outload} You may speak your case… {He starts flying}

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