Rift Jumpers

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Rift Jumpers

Inspiration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czyOwgGFQds&list=TLPQMDkwMjIwMjQlf6LzSzWFrw&index=4

Currently Empire S2 Timeline

A Portal appears in the middle of nowhere glowing like the sun

Gem: {Walks out of a portal} Oh where in The Empire name am I!?

Another Portal Appears but a deep purple with lots of yellow star coming from it….

Scott: Shit where in the stag name am I?

Gem: Scott?

Meme The Boys Plays {The Rift Jumpers}

Gem: Scott you jump worlds!?

Scott: Yeah…

Gem: Wait why don’t you seem shocked I jump worlds?

Scott: Admin! Looking over the code and I’ve seen your world jumps so yeah, I also hid it from fWhip for ya!

Gem: Thanks! Where you come from?

Scott: Origin SMP, you?

Gem: Hermitcraft!

Scott: {Eye roll} Let me just! {His admin panel opens} Shit we about 100,000 blocks away from the closest Empire!

Gem: {Groans} Butterfly wings don’t fly far!

Scott: Where in a scorching desert this won’t end well…

Gem: Why?

Scott: I don’t do well in heat….

Gem: {Signs} Do you want to jump with me back to Hermitcraft, because you look like shit! What happened?

Scott: Tubbo blew me up a couple times which takes a toll on my body…

Gem: Blow you up with TNT?

Scott: Nope….

Gem: Then how?

Scott: So you don’t know my born origin not even after Empire S1 Star Festival?

Gem: No….

Scott: I’m a starborn! Specifically the deer constellation bless by an alto!

Gem: Oh! Right starborn blow up when they die!

Scott: Does not help Tobbie has a flame bow!

Gem: {Snickers, her magic glows and a portal appears} Coming? {Offers her hand}

Scott: Sure! {Grabbing her hand}


Chat: ….

GeminiTay joined the game…

Smajor1995 joined the game….

Xisuma: How did Scott get back the rift is closed!?

Smajor1995: I’ll explain at spawn…

Xisuma: Ok!

Hermitcraft S9 Spawn

Suma: Explain!

Gem/Scott: World jumpers!

Grian: Not dimension jumper though!

Scott: Nah! I just remember every universe I’ve been in admin curse!

Gem: Celestial!

Grian: {Looks at Scott}

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