Foster Patents

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Foster Parents

Well Lets start with an explanation, so as many of you know my main au for Scott is that he was born in Empire S1, which is true for all Empire S1 members besides Pearl! But after the world kicked them out their ages got messed up and they were sent to the main world around ages 6-9 Scott was 6, he spent a good amount of his time till age 9 jumping from server to server, even hacking into server before he meet the hacking management team, Mumbo family, {This part was inspired by Agrace au!} which showed him his admin magic, and then eventually sent him to the foster system! Where he meets his foster parents Maria, and Otto Goodwin, two witches from Britain! They are a lovely couple but are very homophobic so yeah that didn’t end well for Scott..

Currently in Britain

Scorpio: {Sighs} Don’t know how Mr. Jumbo knows this is his foster parents but it was a request from him so!

Knock Knock

Otto: Coming! {Opens the door} Hello?

Scorpio: Is this the home of Maria and Otto Goodwin?

Otto: Yes, hom am I speaking too?

Scorpio: I’m Primal Scorpio one of the Primal Admins!

Maria: Oh my it’s a pleasure Prial Scorpio!

Otto: What do you need?

Scorpio: I’m the Prime under your son, Scott Alphin Goodwin Major!

Maria: Scott, we haven’t seen him senses he left…

Scorpio: Well if you would like to see him again, you may come with me…

Otto: Please…

Admin Domain!

Scorpio: Welcome to the Admin Domain! Know… {His admin panel appears} Scott is currently on the training ground! Follow me!

Otto: This place is grand…

Maria: I still can’t believe Scott an admin…

Scorpio: One of the best…

Training Grounds…

Aris: Ah, ah ah! No bothering, Scott in the middle of training fWhip!

Scorpio: Well we can sit and watch!

Scott: {Knocks fWhip Sword out of his hand} Ok enough sword training fWhip, I know your trying to avoid magic training…

fWhip: Damn it…

Scott: Come on! Attack me!

fWhip: But!

Scott: No buts, we both know I have stronger protection magic!

fWhip: Fine! {His staff comes out}

Scott: {Watches him carefully}

Scorpio: Why is Scott not in his form?

Aris: He was dealing with an issue earlier with it, by know it should be resolved, we’ve just been waiting for the point to take effect!

Events from the last Story…

Scott: {Jumps up avoiding fWhip magic} Come on fWhip, I’m not letting you start a hardcore server unless you can manage to break my shield!

fWhip: {Irritated} I fucking know that Scott! {Sending another spell at him}

Scott: {Walks to the side the spell passing by} fWhip, stop letting me get under your skin! Other creatures and entries will try to get under your skin, and if you can’t take me, then you can’t take dealing with actually admin threats!

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