Life Series Goes to YHS (1/3)

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Life Series Goes to YHS (1/3)

So the Life Series member was just chilling on the group Server after Grian had finally got everyone together to give Cleo, her crown for winning Real Life!

Scott: Welcome to the winner circle Cleo!

Pearl: Where we have therapy ½ the time because we all have trauma!

Cleo: {Snickers}

Scar: I just realized, everyone here has been ally in some way with everyone but me, I’ve only been ally’s with Scott and Grian!

Grian: Well it’s Scott’s blessing why where all here, always one of his ally’s wins, and still happens on a none cannon Life Series event!

Scott: Omen of Good Luck and Life, can’t help it….

Martyn: Wait Omen of Good Luck & Life!?

Scott: Yeah…

Martyn: Explains why the watcher want you ½ the time…

Scott: Mhh…

Pearl: And then you married the Omen of Death, and Bad Luck!

Scott: Yeah, out of this universe we be the opposite though, I’m the omen of death and Jim the omen of life, but that another life!

Grian: You and remembering your past lives!

Scott: Admin Curse, mainly!

Out of nowhere a portal appears and grabs everyone pulling them in

Yandere High School….

Grian: Ow…

Scott: Fuck that! Can you get off of me Joel! Your cursing my wings!

Joel: Sorry!

Scott: {Brushes off} Wait a damn minute!

Grian: Shit…

Jimmy: Fuck Lizzie…

Lizzie: Yeah…

Pearl: This is hell..

Martyn: You think!?

Ethos: Kill us now!

Everyone: What’s going on?

Grian/Jimmy/Scott/Lizzie/Joel/Etho/Martyn/Pearl: Yandere High School!

Everyone: FUCK!

Grian: {Grabs his communicator} Damn it, our communicator are down!

Scott: Mines not!

Grian: How?

Scott: Oro! He gave me a jamer, but I can’t jump!

Grian: Damn it!

Scott: Where stuck here big time?

Etho: G!

Grian: Yeah Etho?

Etho: {Japanese} I got in contact with your Mafia family…

Grian: {Japanese} Can we?

Etho: {English} Yup!

Grian: Thank suns!

Scott: {Looks at him}

Grian: I know some of you understand Japanese!

Jimmy: Can we just go to them, cause at this point in time it’s not a good idea we leave a bunch of random player in a world where none of them speak Japanese….

Scott: {Messing with his admin panel} Ugh! Where is it?

Tango: Grian should someone deal with Scott…

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