Learning More (Life Series Goes to YHS 2/3)

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Learning More (Life Series Goes to YHS 2/3)

Mafia Base…

Scott: Joel where dead if they find out…

Joel: I know….

Grian: What’s wrong with you both, you’ve been hiding more then the others?

Joel: Should we tell him?

Scott: Well he is an admin so he should know about it….

Joel: But then again he might be family and a close friend but he also a Mafia child….

Scott: What do we have to lose?

Joel: Our one cannon life here!

Scott: Joel where immortal!

Joel: True….

Grian: Guys?

Scott: Me and Joel are admin Agents!

Joel: The whole thing we did after college!

Scott: We’ve known each other for awhile…

Grian: That explains a lot, admin Agents aren’t really accepted near mafias!

Scott: Yup, and me and Joel, two high rank agents are in a Mafia Base! You can see why we are worried!

Grian: Well if you guys want, me, Etho, Lizzie, Jimmy, Pearl, & Joeyish are going to my high school, you both can join, you guys where students…

Joel: Ready to go back to hell?

Scott: Yeah, at least it can’t be as bad as being surrounded by the Mafia…

Scott/Joel: {Look at each other} No it can be worse but whatever…. {Both snicker when they say it at the same time}

Grian: Lets go! Sam is waiting for us!

Joel: I forget your friends with Sam!

Grian: Yeah well Sam is like a guardian fallen angel, and he chose to protect me!

Scott: Lets go, but warning if Jimmy see’s my ex is gonna try and kill him!

Tango: Your ex?

Scott: Shit, yes Tango my ex….

Tango: G can I come?

Scott: {Galactic} No, Grian no!

Grian: Sure Tango!

Scott: {Groans, his feather ruffle} Lets just go!

With A Few Member of the Mafia….

Aoi: {Japanese} So those two are Admin agence….

Isamu: {Japanese} But their friends with Grian….

Aoi: {Japanese} We can work around it, we need to get into the HQ after all…

Isamu: {Japanese} Right…


Scott: {Mutters in Alto} I fucking hate Grian for this…

Jimmy: We all know you are cursing Grian out in alto flower, no point on hiding it!

Scott: {Takes a deep breath} Fuck you Grian!

Grian: {Hums lightly} It’s better this way! Especially scenes~! {Looks to Sam}

Sam: {Slight Eye roll} Your ex is gonna be there!

Scott: Gideon…. {His wings flutter around him} Of course he is….

Joeyish: So me, Sam, and Grian have to try and deal with the demon that hunting Yuki soul, while Scott, Tango, and Jimmy are dealing with Gideon?

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