Rebuild Empires!

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ReBuild Empires!

Scott: {Looks over the Empires with Xander} Xan…

Xander: Oh no….

Scott: Follow me! {His wings open}

Xander: Where are we going?

Scott: The meet up point!


Joel: {Holding a ½ axolotl form Lizzie who passed out}

Sausage: {Holding Pearl, who’s healing from the decay}

Gem: {Fixing fWhip up}

Pix: {Had just returned and helped calm Jimmy down}

Shelby: {Asleep in Katherine arm}

Joey: {Passed out}

Pix: Who are we missing?

Gem: Scott…

fWhip: All of us are afraid to go to Rivendell, because it’s covered in corruption…

They hear wings flapping in the distance…

Joey: Do you guys hear that?

Pix: Sounds like wings flapping?

Jimmy: {Perks up}

Scott: Damn it! {Lands a bit harshly, his wings curling in}

Xander: Damn it Scott I told we should have walk, your wings are still injured!

Scott: And we both know why!

Xander: You try being stuck under someone else's control! Of course I would have gotten scared!

Scott: {Groans}

Jimmy: Scott! {Runs over hugging him}

Scott: {Smiles softly} Hi Jimmy…

Jimmy: What happen, Rivendell was covered in corruption and none of us could even get in due to your shield…

Scott: {Bits his lip}

fWhip: Also who that?

Scott: {Goes over to the center of the group} I’ll explain soon, but it’s best to wait to wait till everyone awake….

As They wait they all check up on each other and Gem wraps Scott wing up, Xander staying quite close to Scott…

Scott: Ok so, this is Xander, my older twin brother, the reason why none of you seen him before was because he was the demon…

The Group-Joel: What!?
Joel: What demon?

Scott: {Eye roll as t Joel} Yeah, a curse that is in our family comes with the two champions, and goes into why Rivendell was corrupted and my shield was up, Xornoth broke out of the crystal, and well I had a sword given to me by the stag, what I don’t understand is how I’m alive….

Jimmy: What?

Scott: Me and Xander are soul bound, if one us Perma dies the other dies, the Rune Blade allows the user to kill someone and choose their Afterlife, I was trapped in a bubble and couldn’t kill Xander so, I killed myself….

Everyone: WHAT!?

Scott: Yeah, I still have the mark left, but for some reason I’m alive, could be because I’m immortal but the blade was used on someone immortal before and they died, so I don’t know… All I know is the Blade been locked away…

fWhip: How?

Scott: God magic….

Joey: {Looks to Xander}

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