Welcome to the Real World

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Welcome to the Real World

This chapter was requested by Kaithy2009

Scott Diary Entry

I’ve been stuck in my house for as long as I could remember, my ice magic always been so that it caused me to have hypothermia & frostbite, but then there was also the the Hanahaki disease, I had gotten it after a event with the other princes & princess, my parents don’t know which of the princes I fell in love with, all they know is that my sickness had gotten better, and so has my control over my ice magic so this year my parents are allowing me to go to MountainSide High School, a school for royal and high class nobles in the inner Biome region! I’ve never been able to go to school with others, I’ve always been homeschool, Lauren, Xander, and Acho go to MountainSide High, and well this year I’m allowed to, maybe Xor will be less of a battered….. not likely….

In The Morning….

Lauren: {Barges into Scott’s room} Scott! Your awake already….

Scott: {Finishing his braid} Yeah….

Lauren: {Smiles} You ready for this?

Scott: Want me to be honest?

Lauren: Yes…

Scott: I’m not ready at all….

Lauren: You’ll be fine!


Wish: {Still debating} Are you sure about this Micaiah!?

Micaiah: Wish love, Scott can’t be home school his whole life, he needs to have interaction especially with other royals, he’s the future king after Lauren gave the crown to Xander, & then Xander gave it to him….

Wish: I know I know, it’s just his immune system is so weak, he’s had the Hanahaki disease, and then frostbite, and hypothermia….

Micaiah: He’ll be fine, here they come…

Acho: {Talking to Scott}

Lauren: {Trying to talk to Xander}

Micaiah: Hello kids!

Lauren/Scott/Acho: Morning!

Wish: Xander…

Xander: Morn’……

Micaiah: Ok Lauren, Xander, Acho I need to talk to you kids while your mother talks to Scott!

Lauren: Of course dad! Come on guys!

After they Left…

Wish: Scott if your not ready we can hold it back…

Scott: Mom, I can’t keep holding back, I’m finally able to go to real school so yeah I do want to go….

Wish: {Smiles pulling him in a fixes his crown} I’m proud of you dear, you’ll be great….

Scott: {Smiles}

MountainSide High School…

Scott: {His wings flutter around him as soon as they enter school ground, and mutters in elvish} Everyone staring….

Acho: Well, news travels…

Scott: {Groans}

Lauren: You’ll be fine…

Xander: Whatever, don’t bother me at all! {Flies off}

Scott: He’s still like that….

Acho: Yeah…

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