Winners (Life Series)

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Winners (Life Series)


In The Winner World

Grian: {Pacing}

Martyn: Grian calm down…

Grian: This is me being calm!

Martyn: I get it your worried, Scott hasn’t shown up yet and he’s already died…

Announcing the New Winner Good Times With Scar

Scar: {Lands in the room sick}

Pearl: He’s gonna be sick… {Handing Scar a bag} Where Scott?

Martyn: We don’t know…

Scott’s Room {In One of the many (I mean many) hidden room in the base}

Scott: {Teleports in his voidrian wings curling in} Damn it… {Curls up into a ball}

Back In The Main Room

Grian: He’s here, thank Prime for that…

Martyn: Wait a darn minute! Scott loves hidden rooms!

Pearl: He most likely has a bunch in his bedroom!

Scar: Bedroom?

Grian: Whenever a new winner appears a new bedroom appears designed to them! Yours will be after Martyn senses it’s in the game order!

Scary: Good to know…

Grian: {Picks up Scar} Lets put you to bed… Martyn, Pearl…

Martyn: Yeah where on it!

Scott’s Room

Pearl: His room always is so cool!

Martyn: The ceiling reminds me of yours!

Pearl: Mine more moon base! His is constellation themed!

Martyn: True!

Like 10 Minutes!

Grian: {Walks in} Anything?

Martyn: Nope!

Pearl: Go in the fish tank!

Martyn: Fine! {Goes in from the top his Limited Life form coming out} There a hidden trapdoor!

Pearl: Grian!

Grian: Yeah I know! I’m joining you Martyn! Pearl Can’t!

Martyn: K!

In The Hidden Room

They enter a big lake and swim up to see a tree with different things upon it, a small tree house, a swing, and nest!

Martyn: {Notices} Scott…

Scott: Ack! {Falls into the lake} Darn it! {Pops out of the water his Limited Life form out}

Grian: How did we never know this was here?

Scott: Because you all are idiots! There entrances to many hidden room from all of our rooms!

Martyn: But you have your own secret ones?

Scott: Duh! {Pushes his hair back, getting on top of a giant lily pad}

Grian: {Notices Scott’s wearing a different jacket}

Martyn: {Swims over and gets up} Scott…

Scott; {Looks away his wings opening keeping Martyn away}

Martyn: Scott…

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