Where Are We?

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Where Are We?

This story takes place in Hermitcraft season 10 when they enter Empire S1 the Empire SMP member home world including three of the Hermits!

Empire S1

Xisuma: Ugh… Ok where are we?

Joel/Gem/Pearl: {Changed of cloths}

Grian: {Clothes changes do to him visiting}

Keralis: Sheshwamy, Joel, Gem,Pearl, and Grian have new clothes!

Joel: {Waking up then notices} Fuck!

Grian: Language!!

Joel: Pearl! Gem wake up!

Gem: Where up…. {Groans her dragon wings wrapping around her} Hu?! My wings? Wait a minute!

Pearl: {Mutters} Empire S1…

Joel: Lizzie! {His angel wings open} Gotta go! {Flies off}

Grian: Joel!

fWhip/Scott: {Watching in the shadows}

fWhip: {Mutters to Scott} How did they get here?

Scott: Rift magic lingers, even though there is no rift in Hermitcraft Season 10….

Grian: {Looks to Gem} There no stopping Joel from getting to the Ocean Empire?

Gem: No….

Pearl: We should probably all go to either Rivendell or Grimlands!

Xisuma: Why that? {Watching the other Hermits with Keralis, Joe, and Doc}

Grian: Admins are located in both of those Empires! Gem which one closer?

Gem: Rivendell technically closer, but it’s currently freezing in Rivendell….

Pearl: Right it’s technically a winter month still so Rivendell colder! {Her wings flutter curling in} Thoe your normal wings won’t work for the time being until we get admin accesses besides Grian!

Grian: Wait a minute! Scar!

Scar: Yeah G?

Grian: {His wings open and a flurry of mushroom spores go out}

Those part of the Mycelium Resident During Season 7 have their gifted purple feather wings! {Members Grian, Jeiven, Stress, XB, Etho, Ren, Doc, and Impulse}

Grian: Yours should work because it’s mix with my magic!

Scar: Ooo! Right! {His vex wings flutter open and vex particles appear with fairy dust}

Those part of HEP, During Season 7 have their gifter fairy wings! {Members Scar, Mumbo, Tango, Cub {His Vex wings}, Bdubs, Keralis, False, Xisuma}

Gem: Problem! Their 8 Hermits left!

Xisuma: G can you somehow send them back to Hermitcraft?

Grian: Gem a hand?

Gem: Sure! We can’t send everyone back but mostly you 8!


Xisuma: So which Empire are we going to?

Gem: Grimlands! For the sake of no one freezing!

Grimlands About 2 Hours Later…

Owen: {Watching the gate} Halt! Name!

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